In Your Arms

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Chapter 1

I stared at myself in the mirror. Average hair colour. Average eye colour. Average features. Average height and weight. I was simply average. And I simply hated it! No even looked twice at me. I was too average.

     My brown hair was pulled into a low ponytail and I was wearing an average amount of makeup. I had on blue jeans and a white t with red studs. Team colours! God, I hated high school! And yet I was dumb enough to sign up to help with concession stands!
   I slipped on my sandals grabbed my small purse. And reluctantly headed for the door.
I started walking to the school. I wasn't aloud to have my permit for another view months and my dad was at work. It wasn't to bad though the school wasn't even a mile away just a couple blocks really.
    When I finally reached the school I opened the gym door. I let out a small gasp and jumped back to avoid being hit by a basketball in the head. I slipped and the ball hit me right in the nose my head flung back and smacked the glass on the door. My legs gave out and I fell to the ground. My vision blurred and I could see little splats of red hitting the floor.
     "Ow shit!!!" I yelled quickly cover my nose.
     Several boys surrounded me. Two boys I recognized from the basketball team tried to help me up as I held my dripping nose.
   "I'm so sorry about that I didn't even see you!" He looked genuinely sorry.
   "No one does," I said with a plugged nose.
    He brushed the comment away. "What can we get you?"
   "I need a--" I was cut off by a boy running out of the bathroom holding a handful of paper towels.
     He was yelling "I got paper towels!" He wasn't dressed like a basketball player at all. In fact he was wearing boots pretty tight jeans and a plain white t. He was ripped from head to toe and had light brown hair similar to mine. His eyes were a dark green. That color of eye should be illegal. He was relatively pale with and amazing jaw line. His lips were full and pink. And he had amazing dark eyebrows. I couldn't say that I had ever seen him before cause I would have remembered.

    He wore a determined look in his eyes and that made my knees weak. He held the paper towels to my face and I grabbed them and pulled away. "I'm so sorry I missed that! We were just messing around and it slipped right through my hands I'm so sorry! Is there anything I can get you?" When he finished I turned still angry.
    "I'm fine. Just watch what you're doing next time."
I said trying to sound as angry as I felt but it came out more like a question then a demand.
   He didn't seem affected but stared deeply into my eyes. I couldn't help but look back.
   Blood was already soaking through the thin towel and I started off to the girls restroom not wanting but having to break lethal eye contact. He started off toward me and I sped up when I was in bathroom leaning over the sink I heard loud and heavy foot steps. I looked through the mirror to see him standing there.
   I was baffled that one he followed me and two he was in the girls bathroom. He just stared at me while I covered my nose with more paper towels. I could see myself blushing and spoke hurriedly. "You're in the girls bathroom!" My words were muffled but suddenly it clicked.
   He threw his hands up the walk one way then the other. "Crap, I'll just wait out here," he pointed to the door and quickly walked out. I smiled to myself but quickly brushed the thought away. Don't be stupid Kyra. I thought to myself.

   I cleaned up my face and waited for the bleeding to stop. I had a horrible headache as walked out of the bathroom.
   "--but she's gorgeous!" I heard the boy who had followed me. I walked quickly past them on my way to concessions and he bounced off the wall pushing his friends out of the way. 
   "Hey," he said grabbing my elbow.
   "Hi," I said stopping and turning toward him.
   He stared at my with a sly smile,"Are you okay?"
   My knees were growing weak and my stomach felt like it had grass hoppers in it. But I tried to remain cool. "I just have a headache, but I'm good," I looked down knowing I was blushing. "Thanks," I said turning away.
    He stopped me again. "Um I'll go get you some ibuprofen out of my car," then he turned and went out the door before I could object. The other two boys came strutting up.
   "Hey we are really sorry about that," the taller boy said while the other nodded.
    I was angry but they seemed very sorry. I have in and nodded "it's fine I should have been watching. See you guys later, oh and good luck." I turned and walked knowing I'd never talk to then again.
   "Thanks, see you," the shorter one said.
   When I went into concessions my one and only friend Bree was standing there pretty as ever. She was tall and curvy she had a wide smile and white teeth. Her eyes were very dark compared to her pale skin. Her hair was thick and blond.
"What took so long girl?" She smiled.
  "Dude I got hit in the face with a basketball and my nose started bleeding and this really hot guy followed me into the girls bathroom and--"
   "Hey!" I turned to see the hotty walking quickly over with a small bottle in his hands.
  I turned and flashed a quick smile at Bree who raised her eyebrows. "Can I help you?" I said trying to wipe the smile off my face.
   "Actually I was hoping I was hoping I could help you," he said flashing a wide grin and have me an ibuprofen bottle.
   "Oh that's okay, you didn't have to do that."
   "Please take some I do t want that pretty little head of yours to hurt," he continued as he tried to open the bottle.
   I started laughing. "Oh shut up!" I started to calm down but then he looked at me like "what"  and I lost it again.
   He held two tablets in his dry palms. I briefly thought about how it would feel to hold his hand. "Here you go ma-lady," he said in a British accent.
    "Well thank you kind sir," I said in a repeated accent. He chuckled and closed the bottle.
   "It was the least I could do- I'm sorry I didn't catch your name," 
   "Sorry. I'm Kyra and this is Bree," I said gesturing to the two of us. Bree gave a small wave.
    He never took his eyes off of me. "Well it's very nice to meet the two of you my name is Tyson."
   "Nice to meet you too, Tyson" I said playfully.
   "Oh the pleasure is all mine," he turned to go. Then stopped and looked down. He put a finger to his lips. "Actually I hope I'm not being to straight forward, but I was wondering," then he stopped debating. "Do you have a phone?" He started fiddling with his fingers. 
"Yes?" It came out as a question.
"Well I was wondering if it was okay with you if I could maybe get your number?"
As I took another sip, I turned and smirked at Bree then it hit me. He was actually asking for MY number. I swallowed to hard and then I couldn't breathe.
Water shot out of my mouth onto the floor. I tried coughing but I choked more. I vision started getting blurry. Then I felt a stern pat on my back. I knew it wasn't Bree because even through my clothes I could feel his touch burn.
He just stood behind till I started breathing again.
"Jeez, are you okay?" Tyson asked looking concerned.
Bree was laughing like a freaking hyena.
"Yeah," I lightly coughed. "Thank you,"
He looked down at me. He was so tall. "Ha even if I knew you were going to choke to death," he laughed to himself. "I probably still would have asked,"
I chuckled. "Oh thank you for being so concerned about my well being," I teased.
He teased right back, "Hey I just saved your life! You owe me a date!"
I gasped, trying to look appalled. "I do not!" But holy       S-H- scary clown movie that like three hours long! What was this gorgeous man doing asking me out?
"Oh but you do," he winked at me as he left the concession stand. 
I turned to Bree. Her mouth was wide open. "Dude you better write this down," I told her laughing. I could feel my face was hot.
"Holy hell! Do yo know who that was?!" She looked at me like I was stupid.
"I want to," I said longingly.
She brushed my comment away. " That's Tyson Whitmore!"
I looked at her confused.
She rolled her eyes, "His dad is only the tenth richest man in the world!" She huffed
My voice caught in my throat "He... Wait... His dad?"
"Yes deary and you're going to go on a date with him!!!!" We both screamed like little school girls.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2016 ⏰

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