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The next day Louis was at school looking g for Harry. He had to apologize for what his friend had done to him. He couldn't find him anywhere. So he decided to call him, and he should answer because he should have his phone with him. He dialled his number and the phone began ringing. He also heard a ringtone behind his back while waiting for Harry to answer. Just as Louis hears Harry pick up the call the ringtone stops and he hears Harry on the phone echoing because he was right behind him. Louis hung up the phone turned around and hugged Harry.
"Hey Harry, I'm so sorry for what happened yesterday with Zayn." "What are you talking about?" Harry asked. "There was a guy that hit you and beat you up real bad yesterday and then he ran away because he heard Niall calling for your name." Louis tried explaining what had happened to him. "Oh. Yah, it's ok. Was that guy a friend of yours or something?" Louis answered truthfully, "Yah, we WERE best friends! But when he told me what he did to you yesterday, I punched him real bad and made him bleed, so he shouldn't be messing with you anymore. And if he does just give me a call, if I'm not already walking with you of course." Louis had Harry's back. And even though Harry didn't show it too much, of course nothing will happened to Louis, he knew that Harry had his back as well.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jan 27, 2017 ⏰

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