Chapter 3

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Joel - How is my name beautiful?

Clarissa - Way to go ruining the moment -_-

Joel - I was trying to be funny

Clarissa - That wasn't funny at all.

Joel - Well I can still try

Clarissa - Nope.

Joel - You mad?

Clarissa - No.

Joel - Yes you are

Clarissa - No I'm not.

Joel - Yeah you are

Clarissa - How am I mad? I'm not even mad you're just weird.

Joel - You're ending everything with a period.

Clarissa - Why would I be mad

Joel - Cause I ruined the moment?

Clarissa - What moment?

Joel - You're impossible

Clarissa - No I'm Clarissa

Joel - Stop

Clarissa - Stop what?

Joel - Stop that

Clarissa - I don't know what you're talking about

Joel - Fine then be like that

Clarissa - Are you mad? Why are you mad?

Joel - I'm not mad.

Clarissa - Guys are so confusing


Clarissa - See you are mad

Joel - You just get me mad

Clarissa - K.

Joel - Clarissa

Joel - I was just kidding

Joel - Oh come on

Joel - Don't be mad

Joel - I don't want you to be mad

Joel - Stop being mad :'(

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I really need to re-evaluate my life again
Edited 1/1/2018

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