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Sam's P.O.V.

My eyes connected with a scene most grouse, its nature almost making my lags give out. Down a couple steps away from the door, Max's lifeless body was on the freaking floor.

No, no! This couldn't be happening. Just hours ago, he was standing with me in the store. Alive, and being his grumpy-self. Now, this!

How did this even happen?! My body was shaking in fear, and sickening taste filled my mouth. He can't be dead. No, this just doesn't make sense. Why, what did this?!

Just as soon as the thought crossed my mind, a small figure came slinking out of the uncomforting shadows. Liquid red eyes bore into my own, and nails dripping with blood, Max's blood, were raised to meet my ungodly death. With a hiss, the Neko revealed her wicked fangs stained red.

Fear like I have never known, consumed the courage left inside my body. With frighten gasps, unconsciously each second brought a foot step closer to the only exist. The female Neko growled, the sound riveting against the prison. Ears pressed to her skull, the beast would kill me if I made any further progress. Somehow, maybe it was her actions or the constant flicker fear crossing over her face, I could tell that killing hadn't been her goal.

This Neko was so different from the others, the little time I had spent with her showed me that. As while the other yowled their anger in this little room, around her cage a dark cloud brooded. It's center a ragging mass of bitterness, while the outside a reminder of the pain she had to suffer through.

This Neko.....Kyrin... never spoke a word to anyone. Silent as the grave, she would lay against the cement wall of that tiny prison and just wait. For what, I could only guess at. Maybe all Kyrin was a little hope....

My thoughts were interrupted as something roughly pushed my shoulder roughly to the side. The force should of made me fall, but it only made me stumble. Loud thumps came, a racket caused by the run-away, Kyrin. Her body slammed into object, desperately fighting to find a way out.

In little voice keep trying to reason with me, reminding me that this creator was a murder! This thing that just killed Max, and left his body there to rot. Why should I even care for this.....animal... when she had tried to kill me too?

Was doing this freaking insane and why the heck was I over thinking things? Somehow, she had to be stopped. Just the problem was how.

Looking over I found my answer. Right beside me was one of those metal poles that was used to captor wild animals. By the sound the Neko was making, this called for desperate measures.

Grabbing the pole, one last thought crossed my mind.

Boy, this was going to be a long night.


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