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The buzzer got hit. Shit. Fuck, fuck , fuck! Someone in the crowd was my mate. Someone in the crowd of guys want me.

Madeline will be happy. She'll get a new and better kid. She wants this for me. All I have to do is not let them touch me for 30 minutes and I'll be free for another year. I try to tell myself. But to be honest, I'll be fucking miserable. I don't want a mate.

Never fucking have.

Never fucking will.

But here I am, at the motherfucking Beginning. All because I want Madeline to have a betted kid. If that's not dedication, well, I don't know what is.

And Luke Kingston hits the buzzer! The announcer yells through the speakers. Hold the fuck up!

Luke Kingston as in the one and only! The most feared alpha ever! Oh my fucking god. Hell no. I ain't living with him or even touching him! He's the only one/thing between me and being the most feared wolf EVER.

I smirk and turn around, facing the woods. Play it cool. I'll just avoid him for thirty minutes and the problem is solved for a year. Then I'll cross that bridge when I get there. But I am never fucking ever gonna be his mate.

No way. Na uh. Never ever. Not in a fucking million years.

And all of the girls have their mates in the crowd of young men! We'll see how many of them outrun the boys! On the count of three the lovely ladies cages will open. Ten minutes later the guys gates will open. You know how it works guys! The announcer's voice booms through the speakers that are set up everywhere.

Why are there so many goddamn speakers?! I get the fact that they want everyone to be able to hear them clearly, but I don't need speakers in my face, behind my head and on both sides, at all times. God. Amateurs.

Three! I groan in annoyance.

Two! This is the stupidest thing I've ever done.

One! Worst mistake ever. Madeline owes me big time.

The cages open and I fly out. Some of the girls just step out and stand there. Waiting for their mates to get them. Desperate little shit.

I run. Faster than ever before. The plants hit my legs and arms. Cutting and scraping them. I shift into my pure black wolf.

The woods are dark and think so my black mass of fur is somewhat camouflaged. But Luke will be able to smell me so he'll find me anyway. This will just be a running away game.

I'm confident that he won't get me. I mean I was ranked first in the Battles which also is a bunch of running. So if anyone will make it without their mate, it will be me.

The second bell rings and the announcer yell The boys are in the woods as well! Let the fun begin.

I can hear growls. The boys get very possessive. They are warning the other males to back off of their property. I think it's stupid.

I never stop running. Not even when I shifted. I just kept running. Further and further away from my mate. The further I ran the lower the probability that he would catch me got. As long as he didn't touch me I'll be fine. I'll be mateless. And free.

I run forever. Like does this big ass forest ever end?! Da fuck. No one is out this far. They either didn't make it or didn't want to make it or they just stupid and didn't run straight. One way or another I'm alone out here.

There are only five girls and five guys still out there. Including the one and only Ashley Chase and her mate Luke Kingston! The announcer announces. I guess we'll be the talk of the wolf world.

I can imagine what Madeline is thinking. Probably something like, why isn't she letting him get her! Then I'll be assigned to a calmer and not as high classed kid. Please catch her Luke, please!

That bitch will probably be happy as fuck if I get caught. But that ain't happening.

Footsteps behind me were loud enough to hear. Shit it's him! How the fuck did he catch up? I was running faster than a hoe at a boob job sale! Like da fuck?!

5 minutes left and only Ashley and Luke are still out in the woods. The voice booms through the speakers that are in the forest as well.

You can't escape me princess.

You're mine.

He growls.

(A/N Luke is the guy above.)

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