Witch Hunter? [USUK]

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Alfred's P.O.V

"Al, you've got to get out of here. Now!"

"No way! I'm not leaving you." Desperation crept into his voice as he tried to pull his mother from the rubble. It was no use, she'd been hit by the spell. But heroes don't leave family members to die alone. It was out of the question.

"Alfred, just leave me," she pleaded, tears streaming down her face, like a waterfull of emotions.

"I'm taking you with me."

He was determined. She would not stay behind, only to be finished off by the witches- no. The monsters that call themselves human beings.

"I'll only slow you down, you know they're coming so please, RUN!"

He could hear them approaching, shuffling through the collapsed building, swearing angrily, not even bothering to lower their voices. And they scared him. He had never shaken so much in his life, tears mingling with sweat. Their voices echoed through the crumbling hallways.

"I've found survivors!"

"Get 'em!"

"Al," his mother begged. "Just go."

Stay and die alongside his mother? Or run and live another day?

With one last sob, he made his choice.


~Four Years Later~

Wiping the sweat from his brow, Alfred winced as he was struck by yet another blunt arrow the Russian aimed at him.

Training with Ivan had always been tough, but the tall man seemed to be putting alot of effort in aiming for the places that hurt the most today. Though it was for a good cause. Alfred was scheduled for his first witch hunting expedition today, and Ivan had wanted to get some extra morning training. Better safe than sorry.

"Bit sloppy today, aren't you?" Ivan exclaimed cheerfully. The bastard had hadn't even broken a sweat.

"You're going too fast and you k-know it," Alfred panted, rubbing the newly formed bruise on his arm. Ivan chuckled, his violet eyes sparkling in amusement.

"You are not wanting me to call Natalya over to help you train, no?"

"No! Heh... No thanks."

Alfred wasn't scared easily, but just the thought of Ivan's terrifying younger sister was enough to give him nightmares.

The large oak door that led into the training room creaked open, and Katyusha, Ivan's older sister peered in.

"Alfred Jones? It's time for you to be going now."

Taking a deep breath, Alfred stepped forwards and nervously glanced back at Ivan who grinned back.

"You will be having the good luck, da?"

"Obviously dude. Don't underestimate me!" Alfred laughed confidently and strode out of the room, followed closely by Katyusha. Alfred had always been sure of himself, some might call it obnoxious and arrogant. But he was exceptionally good at killing witches and easily made it to the top of the class. Not that there was much competition, being against the Italian brothers Feliciano and Lovino, who tended to spend most of their time eating and being dumb.

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