~Chapter Four~

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Alfred's P.O.V

Dinner time passed peacefully, Michelle succeding in keeping Arthur away from the kitchen and Allistor only making a few digs at the WKA. He probably would've continued, but Arthur had 'accidently' knocked him off his chair with a look and small gesture at Peter, who was looking upset.

Now Alfred was sat around the fireplace with Arthur, Francis, Allistor, Dylan, Michelle and two others who had introduced themeselves as Feliks and Toris. All the kids had gone to bed and they were left to discuss what to do about the WKA and the missing girl.

Before they had sat down, Arthur had pulled Alfred aside.

"Are you still against witches?" Arthur had asked, cutting straight to the point. It had been extremely hard to answer. Alfred was still part of the WKA and would never truly forgive the witches for killing off his family. But on the other hand, witches were people with lives and familes, Arthur had shown him that. The witches didn't really deserve to be killed in cold blood.

"I... I'm not sure..." He had responded quietly. Arthur sighed. He looked so tired, Alfred could imagine him as an old man.

"I'm going to trust you with this. We're going to be discussing what to do about the WKA, and if you take any of this information and use it against us..." Arthur sighed again, looking pained. "We won't hesitate to kill you."

Alfred wasn't stupid or naive. He knew Arthur wasn't bluffing, and he wasn't arrogant enough to kid himself into believing that he could fight Arthur and his brothers on his own. It would be suicide to betray them. And Alfred honestly didn't know if he would be able to bring himself to do it.

So now they were gathered and munching on left over cookies from dinner. Alfred was sat on the floor, leaning against a patched up armchair that Arthur was sat cross-legged on. Feliks and Toris were sat on the sofa, Feliks curled up on Toris' lap. They were dating apparently.

"Is there anymore updates for the wanted list?" Allistor asked, breaking the silence. He was hogging most of the warmth, sat right infront of the fire. Arthur and Alfred shared a look.

"Yeah..." Arthur exhaled heavily through his nose. "Me, Francis and Feliks. I have no idea why though..."

Feliks shot up, nearly crushing Toris in the process.

"But, like, what the hell?" Feliks exclaimed. His cocky grin had slipped from his face. Now he looked scared. "I get Arthur and Francis, but why me? It's totally unfair!"

"Ahh..." Francis sighed. "I may have angered a non-magic in a shop and I may have, um, knocked over a shelf or two. By accident!" Arthur groaned, rubbing his forehead, exasperated.

"But!" Francis continued quickly. "But, I did manage to get away without anyone else noticing... They must have reported it to the WKA."

"Obviously!" Arthur hissed. "But I don't know why I'm on there..."

"Someone must have seen you collecting apples, I told you to be more careful!" Dylan sighed. He looked just as stressed. Arthur paled at that, before slamming his palm to his forehead viciously.

"God... I'm so stupid..."

"But I wouldn't do something as dumb as that, so why am I on there?" Feliks shouted, waving his arms in the air like a mad man.

"Probably when you tried to steal that pony from it's field." Toris told him gently. Feliks looked outraged.

"Oh my god, I, like, told you that he wanted to be free, it's as if you never lis-"

"Anyway," Michelle interrupted Feliks' rant, to everyones relief. "You three need to make sure you don't do any magic in public. Arthur, it might be best if you don't pick the fruit from now on..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2017 ⏰

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