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On top of Akira's square spectacles was a crown of lofty spiked rouge hair, similar to a set of overlapping jagged armour plates, each higher than the next reaching a magnificent pinnacle at the midpoint of the scalp, before steadily descending downwards.

Darker highlights trailed throughout the hair with the section bordering at the front pointing downwards like daggers. Each tuft was a product of a diverse profusion of hair resembling arched arrowheads, each seeming to be keen enough to slice through steel with relative ease.

Akira dressed quite casually, at least compared to everyone else in the room with his garments consisting of a faded indigo shirt, resembling a sandblasted pair of jeans and a crumpled black shirt underneath. Along with that, a pendant was strung over his pale skin, with a triangle filled with vertical lines and grand bent arches throwing back roots to archaic English architecture, like a shimmering harp.

The necklace itself was made with a peculiar iridescent material, possessing a degree of transparency of that found in glass, yet reflective enough to gently gleam in the sunlight.

He took off his spectacles, brandished a cloth and brushed his already speckless lenses with a lacework triangular trim lining and inspected them thoughtfully.

"So who entered the room about 30 seconds ago, probably not even?"

All the eyes in the room swivelled back towards Aiko again, but she didn't seem to take notice. In fact here eyes were glistening with tears and droplets had began to gather at the corner of her delicate eyes.

A melancholy expression illuminated her lovely features and although she took in erratic shallow gasps wild and unrestrained and her eyes were swollen with tears, she was still the most stunning girl he had ever laid his eyes on.

"Onii-chan are you going to leave me?"

Akitsu's expression of apparent apathy fell from his face into a silent oblivion and a consoling one took its place. "! Where is this coming from?"

Aiko didn't seem to hear Akitsu's voice and the globular tears in her eyes grew ever larger.

He seemed to abruptly forget everyone else was there, as if they were just fuzzy features of the background and he could visualise no more than his sister who stood stoicly besides him.

"I don't want you to leave me. Don't leave me. Not like mum and dad......please." She pleaded.

Akitsu stared on captivated, her voice strangled with sobs and sniffles tearing apart his soul, burning apart searing holes, which smouldered with jarringly-bright flames at their rims.

Tears prickled at Akitsu's eyes and threatened to gush out in a exhibition of misery, but he refused to let them meander down his pained face, instead attempting to maintain a steady contenance. He was her older brother, he couldn't afford to be subject to his emotions, she always had to come first.

Tears coursed down her face like branches on a fractal, seperating outwards into ever smaller and diverging paths. Akitsu inhaled and the familiar scent of salt mixed in with his little sister's scent overwhelmed him.

Akitsu interlaced his fingers gently in between Aikos and nudged her face upwards until her precious mineral eyes looked directly into his. His hands seemed like a perfect fit for her fine hands and all he desired was to take her in to his arms. "Aiko..please stop.... I can't take you being so sad. I love you Aiko and I'll always be yours."


"Yes, really."

She ceased her her sobbing and nuzzled her tear drenched face into Akitsu's school unifrom, leaving wet transparent streaks across his crisp white suede shirt, while he gently supported her by combing his hand through her corruscating hair and pressing her gently against his chest.

Aiko's frequent sniffling and unrestrained breaths gradually reduced and she looked up into Akitsu's eyes with her guiltless cervine eyes. "Then....just to check if Onii-chan really likes me, if he does he will be in pleasure so immense that it will be impossible for him to supress it audibly.

Instantaneously, Akitsu was put into a state of rapture, feeling the flood of endorphins engulfing his brain with the strength of a lightning storm, the overwhelming thunder claps colliding into him in full-force with the might of unwieldy sledgehammers.

He tumbled onto the bed, unable to control his movements any longer, though it didn't matter because he couldn't feel anything in the midst of the foam of elation which wrapped around his body.

His eyes shut almost mechanically and his neck and back arched backwards in a feline manner.

"Akitsu!" Natsuki cried out, almost under the pretense of urgency. "What did you do to him?"

Natsuki held a firm hand on Aiko's shoulders her vision undulating hurriedly back and forth between the pair of brother and sister.

His throat ached to express what he was feeling, but he scarcely managed to repress it.

Ecstasy rebounded agonisingly back and forth in the confines of his rib cage and before he knew it he had taken hold of his uniform in his mouth, exerting pressure on it to keep himself together.

He was going to break. A pulsing hum resonated through his being taking upon a harmonious pitch which Akitsu had never heard the likes of before and it rose briskly in volume. It passed where Akitsu felt his breaking point was and kept surging on through before devastating his resolve in an outpouring of sheer pleasure.

He let out a soft succession of moans, finally unable to stop himself before collapsing, sweat coating his every pore.

A satisfied smile played across Aiko's face. "So Onii-chan wasn't lying.... Geez Onii-chan you should be more straightforward with your feelings, then I wouldn't need to go to all this trouble."

Katsuo stood startled, his reaction not dissimilar to everybody else's responses. "Um. Wow. I'm just going to-"

Natsuki's hands shot out automatically from the depths of her uniform, grabbing him by the scruff of his collar, while he attempted to stroll away with her head still adjusted in on the scene. "You're not going anywhere until this is finished, you said you would take responsibility for introducing the new student right?"

Katsura sighed, a resigned expression taking form across his slouched features. "Yes student council president.."

Akira nudged the nosebridge of his glasses quite fashionably with two fingers. "Correction. New students. It seems like Aiko, Akitsu's little sister from my research has a power involving restrictions and punishments from my observations. To know the true depths of her ability I need to observe her more and for that student council president, she needs to be enrolled into the school."

"Okay why not?" Natsuki, the student council president answered, still transfixed by Aiko.

"Wait....What?" Akitsu panted, clouds of condensation forming from his every breath and barely managing to open one eye drowsily.

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