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"How can you even decide that by yourself, let alone without taking into consideration exiting her old school and her consent?" Akitsu retorted, vehemence incongrously cascading back into his voice, like an unsettled antique brass weight balance, swinging uncontrolledly back and forth.

The conversation was brought to a swift conclusion with Akitsu's out of character reaction and even Natsuki, who had been unfazed by the abrupt appearance of a supernatural creature was speechless. Her eyes swivelled over him inquisitively, identical to that of a predator reassessing his danger level and he felt exceedingly conscious of her gaze, completely stilling under it.

Natsuki's gaze loosened, becoming aloof as ever and slightly glazed over in thought, with the noose of suffocating hemp rope reducing to a tickling feeling on his throat. Akitsu unconsciously rubbed his neck, where he had imagined the rope had been and again managed to gain Natsuki's razor sharp attention, whose eyes narrowed at his innocent action.

He paused for a moment, his hand hovering disbelievingly over his mouth at what he had just said. His voice came out a meagre ghost of its former self, as if pertaining to his ever present phobia of being judged. "Um sorry...I didn't really mean for it to come out like that."

Natsuki's hand came upwards. Akitsu prepared himself for the violent tirade of words to pummel him and instinctively braced himself to the impact of her slap. It never came. Natsuki simply observed his reaction and a pitied expression danced upon her face before disappearing, a rarity to be treasured in its own right.

Her hand instead slid through the air fluidly in a dismissive motion and the conversation continued on smoothly, as if he had never disrupted the flow. "It's fine. Normally I would consult the principal first, but since he's on a 'business trip', he has given me temporary authority in his stead. Anyway, it is her duty as a citizen of Japan, to attend a school for the supernaturally gifted or else be a potential hazard to all of society. Not only that, it would also be very likely detrimental to her, because she could end up being exploited by ability-finders like Akira, but not so nice."

Akira snorted derisively, as if insulted by being used as an analogy towards criminals, but outwardly brushed it off smoothly, letting Natsuki continue. He shifted his posture before settling, his hands in his pockets, with his arms being forced to bend outwards ever so slightly in sleeved loops because of his lengthy build.

"What is this school? I completely give up....."

"As for her consent, Aiko do you want to join Guardian Gakuen to be with your Onii-chan?"

" long as it's with Onii-chan I'm fine with it."

"But what about all your friends from junior high?" Akitsu countered.

She hesitated briefly before answering her eyes brewing with indecision. Haha, I got you now. Akitsu didn't know why, but for some reason he was adverse to her getting involved in Guardian Gakuen, even more so than himself.

He almost derived an unusual sense of vindication from persuading her not to join Guardian Gakuen. Not that he really minded that much.

"I can still talk to them on Phasebook and Instafam, so it's okay. Plus, I get to see them all the time in my extracurricular activities and when I go out so it'll be fine."

She nodded twice and murmured reassuringly to herself, as if confirming her pledge to attend a new school.


"Onii-chan, you heard her, I need to go, otherwise I'll endanger my friends and family." Aiko spoke, her voice full of conviction.

As if from thin air, a monitor shaped device appeared in Natsuki's hands and she typed voraciously nodding approvingly every once in a while, before she refocused her attention on both of them.

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