Chapter Four.

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The sight in front of me had shocked me and made me want to faint. I was one who had a strong stomach and could bear to see blood but this. This was too much blood. I didn't even know the human body could produce this much. My knees were shaky and I felt light headed but I needed to be strong and I needed to run. Run as far away as possible. What I just saw...was terrifying. Almost inhuman granted, it was inhuman.

It's pure black eyes were no trick of the light. I know what I saw although, I wish I didn't. I don't know why I just stood there to watch. I should have ran, called the cops even. I couldn't. Frozen in place, I watched as the bloody thing ripped every one of the poor girls limps. One by one and let her blood-filled body drop on the ground of the dimly lit alleyway. She tried to scream but they were muffled her mouth, was zipped shut. Sewed shut, actually.

When that monster was done with her, he turned his head towards me. It was too dark for anyone else to be here so I was left alone with the thing that just murdered a poor, innocent girl. He was half the alleyway down from me. When his dark, pitch black eyes found me, he simply smiled and stayed put. He didn't even come after me so with that, my feet allowed me to move again and I sprinted as fast as I possibly could.

The streets were completely empty and I guess that was understandable considering how late it was. The only sound to be heard was my loud footsteps on the pavement and of the late night drivers passing by in the distant roads.

I had reached my home in a matter of minutes and I made sure to lock it behind me. I put a hand to my heart as I tried to ease my breathing. I slid down the door and brought my knees up to my chest. The next thing on my mind was calling the cops. But that thing...that monster, would it find me? it had so gladly ripped apart that girls limps so who says it wouldn't do it to me? if it would, wouldn't it have done it already? or maybe it's just waiting...waiting for the perfect moment.

A loud thud in the upstairs apartment makes me heart rate quicken and a sob escapes my lips and I find myself getting up from the floor and reaching the phone. I pick it up and dial the number. 9-1-1. As I put it to my ear, I don't hear the normal ringing. It's dead. It's dead yet it's been on charge ever since I left the apartment. I follow the cord with my eyes and find it unplugged. I roll myself at myself because I know how stupid I can be. I go to plug it in but the flicker of lights make me stop all movement.

It's him. I think to myself. He's here to kill me. I gulp and slowly turn around to be faced with...nothing. A flicker of the lights is what is was, nothing more. I look down at the floorboards and take a deep breath. I slowly make my way to my room

"Maybe some sleep will do me good." I quietly say aloud. I turn on the light of my bedroom and stumble a few steps and my eyes widen at the girl sitting on my bed.

"Wha- what the fuck are you doing here?" I yell at her. An innocent smile creeps onto her face. She stands up and I take two small steps back. She extends her hand out as if to greet me.

"My name is Nikki." She drops her hand to her side when she sees that I don't take it.

"Why are you here?" I yell again. I hear her sigh and she sits back down on my bed.

My heart is racing so damn fast that i'm sure that she can hear it. How and when she get in my room, that is a question I want to know. She pushes her long brown hair behind her shoulder and inhales before speaking up.

"I know what you saw." She simply says, looking around my room. I follow her gaze to my boring, cream colored wall.

"Do you? Because i'm not quite sure what I saw myself." I sigh, taking a seat on the chair at my desk. She looks back at me, her blue eyes burning into my brown ones.

"He was a Demon. But I bet you knew that because of his eyes."

"A what? Listen- what I saw was...inhuman but a Demon?" I questioned, completely forgetting that a girl had gotten into my house.

"Yes, a Demon. They go around, killing people, trying to get the sixty six seals to be broken so they can free Lucifer."

I hid my face behind my hands. This was way too much, Demons, was this even happening? Who the hell was she?

"And you...are you a...Demon?" I ask, feeling as scared as ever. She lets out a small giggle and stands up.

"On the contrary. I'm an Angel of the lord." She smiles proudly and I would of called her crazy...I would've but then a strike of lightning filled the room and on the wall behind her,a pair of shadowy wings rose. Her wings. In a second, they were gone. This was all too much for me, my head was spinning and at any moment, I would faint.

"Did I just...oh my god." I breathed out. She came to stand in front of me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Look, Liam. I know what you saw and now, you know what the real thing is. You know of the unknown world. You must not tell anyone of what you've seen tonight because they will most likely think you are crazy. If you choose to tell anyone, there will be consequences from the Angels and Demons."

"How does this even exist? I must be...I'm dreaming, aren't I? I'm going to wake up and this will all be over." I shut my eyes and count. one. Two. Three. I open my eyes and she stands there, smiling down at me.

"I'm afraid this isn't a dream, Liam." She walks along my wall, looking at the boring paint once again.

"How do you even know my name?" I ask her, she spins around and looks at me with such amusement in her face that I wondered if I was being pranked by my friends.

"I'm an Angel, Liam. Besides, the humans do interest me very much. They're fun to watch." She tilts her head to the side and shyly smiles.

"But I've never actually talked to one before..." She looks down at her feet and swings her arms by her side.

"Well to make this fair, I've never talked to an Angel." I sigh and got up and walk to my dresser. I pull it open and take out a pair of black plaid drawstring pyjamas.

"Look, I've had a...eventful night...You know the way to the door?" I ask her

"I forgot that humans slept...Goodnight, Liam. I will see you in the morning." The next thing I hear, is the flapping of her invisible wings and when I turn around, she's no longer there.

I guess Angels don't use doors then. I rub my eyes and make my way to the bathroom.

After putting my drawstring pants and brushing my teeth I make my way back to my room. I stand at the light switch for a moment and gulp down the lump in my throat. I turned the light off and quickly made my way to my bed. This seemed too childish for me to be doing but after tonight, I think I earned the right to do so.

I was sat up in bed as the darkness filled the room. I cleared my throat

"Nikki, if you can hear me..just...make sure I don't get killed tonight, please" I stayed silent for a second, as if to wait for her answer. I know she won't answer though so I put my head to the pillow and closed my eyes, hoping to wake up and everything would be back to normal, the way it was before I got myself into this mess.

That night I tossed and turned dreaming about the evil darkness at war with the friendly light. The war ended and I woke up gasping at the results.

Sorry for the long wait! I am trying to post chapters faster but as you can's not working out as well as I planned it to. Thanks to Percabeth5599 for creating the character of Nikki! 

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