Chapter One.

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The city is quiet during the sunrise. Only a few cars go by, occasionally buses do too. Not a single person is seen going down the street. Until a worried woman turns the corner, walking fast as her heels click against the hard pavement. I slip out from the shadows of the dark alley, knowing she would be my next victim. 

She doesn't even pay attention to me as she comes closer and closer. She looks hurried, worried and scared. She doesn't even know what's coming. At last, she reaches the alley and with one quick reach, I grab her arm and pull her towards me. With the darkness overshadowing the both of us, I can feel her pulse quicken beneath my grip. I put a hand over her mouth so her screams are muffled. I pull her further into the alley.

I pull her under a light that was shining down on the alley. I want her to see me. I want her to know who killed her. As the light shines upon us, I see her eyes and more than scared. She knows. She knows she's going to die. I let my eyes blacken, telling her what I am.

"Monster" She whispers, her mouth still covered and I can't help but chuckle as her face gives me a terrified look.

"That's right, baby." I smile and grab both sides of her face and quickly twist her head to the right, snapping her neck. I let her go, seeing her body laying there, limp brings a smile to my face. I look away, seeing if anyone saw this happen, seeing as it was quite early, I doubted it, and even if they did, so what? 

I see something shine in the corner of my eye. I turn to the dead body and see something bright, shine at her fingers. I kneel down and take her hand seeing the ring on her finger. She was married. She was loved. Love. Love seemed so impossible, maybe even non-existent. I would never find it. Not after what had happened to me. God loved me, I was loved by him and all my other brothers and sisters but that's not the case anymore and frankly, I didn't need anyone to love. Love would keep me from doing what I do best. Kill. There are only two things I love. Myself, and the devil.

Lucifer he was called. He was like me, he had been banished from heaven and sent down to hell where he created us. Demons and such. But then he was locked up with well over six hundred seals to keep him there. We only have to break sixty-six and Lucifer is out with the rest of hell. We've accomplished to break all sixty-four of them. Two more left and we win. The Angels are too weak. Once we have Lucifer out, there's no way they can defeat us. 

I looked towards the sky to see that the sun was fully out now. I quickly stepped out of the alley and walked along the sidewalk with the rest of the business women and men. I took out a cig and lit the end, putting it to my lips and taking a puff. 

I turned the corner of a street, hoping to find my next victim by the alley but instead, I'm found face to face with an Angel. 

Usually when you say "Angel" you imagine someone in a big white robe with huge, puffy white wings and a halo above their heads but that's not the case. Like us, they take the body of a human and use it as their vessels. They take bodies of people who are bound to die, or already dead so they don't have to take people's lives. Unlike us. We take whatever body we find, alive or not, and use it. 

"Are you just going to stare or are you going to answer?" The angelic voice asks. Ironic because she is, in fact, an angel. 

"Stare." I say, dropping the cig to the ground and squishing it with my foot. If it wasn't for all these people, I would kill this feathery bitch within a second. I now regret not bringing my Angel knife.

"I know what you're all up to." She simply says, crossing her arms, just like I did. I couldn't help but notice how her eyes seemed to be...light grey.

"And what's that?"

"You're breaking the seals. Do you realize what you are doing?" She questions with a mad expression. I can't help but laugh because we know what we are doing which is why we are doing it.

"Listen, Angel. We are doing it because we know what will happen. Don't you even bother trying to stop us because we got sixty-four without you even trying to stop us." I quickly regretted saying the words that had tumbled out of my mouth, realizing what I had just done. Her smile quickly fades and I am relieved to have said what I just said. 


"How do you know my name?" I ask, cutting her off. 

"Zayn, you need to listen to me! You need to stop. If you do this, hell will rise and that doesn't mean just Lucifer! It means those Demons that we killed! The apocalypse will kill us all!" she says, ignoring my question.

"Why is that supposed to be a problem to me?" Her eyes take the color of blue and looked as if they were praying that I could do something to help her, but that wasn't going to happen. No pretty angel is going to stop me. 

"Zayn, I know this isn't you! I know there's still some good in you! You need to stop this! You need to stop this before they get to us. The Angels, we...we wont be able to fight alone." She pleaded, holding up her hands as if she was praying. 

"You don't know me! Maybe I was good at some point but not anymore. I'm done being good and no pretty angel will stop me. I couldn't care less about you stupid Angels!" Her lips curved into a smile and she took a step closer towards me.

"See, that's where you're wrong. I do know you. I know that you disobeyed the word of god and got kicked out of Heaven and lost your grace. That is why you are here and doing this. I also know that you still have some nice in you but if you don't stop this now, I will have have to stop you." she stopped with a smirk on her face. She turned around, as if to walk away but instead she stood there, her back towards me. 

"By the way, I have a name. It's Lexxie." And with that, I heard the sound of her non visible wings and she disappeared with a blink of the eye. 

What if she was right? What if I could stop all of this...What if God would love me again?

No. There's no way. I will never find love again, especially not God's. I am done being nice. The angel- Lexxie, said that if I don't stop them, she'll stop me...But the thing she doesn't know is that once we get the two seals broken, we will eliminate the angels. 

There's just one question nagging at the back of my mind. What if she's right? What if she's right about the Angels not being able to fight? But then again...why should I even care? 

Sorry for the rotten first chapter! I just want to let everyone know how this will work. Each chapter will be about one of the boys and their girlfriends-to-be and then at some point everybody will be in it at the same time. xx

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