The Meeting

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I wanted to go to my room but I was lost in the long unending  halls.After a  while of walking in circles I bumped into someone.

"What the hell!" A angry voice said

"Am sorry "I shakingly replied

I stumbled back a little"wait I recognize your voice,your Cole the driver"

"Yes it's me,and your Amelia"

"Why ate you roaming the halls Amelia?"asked Cole

"I was trying to get to my room,but I got a bit lost"

"A bit"he asked while wiggling is eye brows he was really cute when he did it.

I laughed, it has been a while since someone made me laugh

"How are you enjoying the place so far?"

"Well it's not bad apart from maids glaring at me and  that bimbo Miss James is a pain in the ass."

Cole laughed out, his laugh was humorous

"What about Mr.Knight?"He asked with a little worry

"Well he seems friendly"

He coughed"really The Dominick Knight"
he put emphasis on each word

"Dominick Knight is friendly? you got to be kidding me that man is a arrogant ass trust me you don't want to get on is wrong side."

"People thought when he was married he would loosen up,but no he didn't
it's has if his wife isn't giving him the right attention in bed,if you know what I mean
maybe that's why Miss James visits him so often,
but not even Miss James can satisfy that ravishing beast."

"He could do with someone like you."Cole said in a teasing tone

"Someone like me?"I asked while laughing

"Yes you...but I don't mean that you should be stucked with a rich bastard,but your body is just right for him"

He stopped talking for a minute to check me out.

"A man like Dominick wants a thick body  like yours to work out is anger and stress on."

when he said that he acted as if he was building muscles

I laughed out again

"Cole your so funny,you need to be more serious he has a beautiful model aka Miss Bimbo plus most men are running down models"

"You see not all just most"he defended

We stopped talking for a while

A yawn passed my lips

"Will you let me do the honour and take you to your room"Cole  asked while doing a fake bow

"Come my lady this way"and the both of us started walking in silence.

After a while of walking we reached my room door.

He hugged me and then said

"Good night Amelia"

"Same to you Cole and thanks"

"For what carrying you to your room?"

"Yeah for that and for been someone that I could talk to."

I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

he smiled and touched his cheek.
I opened my room door and he watched as I walked into my room.

I stood at the door and watch him leave to go to his room before I closed my door.

I changed into a sports bra and a shorts and climbed up on my bed.

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