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If you’ve come here thinking that you’re going to hear this boy meets girl, boy falls for girl story, you’re clearly mistaken.  I’m not your average girl and he for sure isn’t your average, run of the mill, average English boy. Harry and I have known each other since we were five years old.  Johnny Wilcox was easily the biggest kid in year 2 and one day he decided to push baby Hazza off the monkey bars.  To this day, he won’t admit he cried but when I ran after him, he was sitting on the grass with his knees up to his chest and his big, bright green eyes were glossy and the whites in his eyes were slightly red.  It was on that cold October day that I decided that I never wanted to see the boy with the contagious smile and dimples shed a tear ever. 

Ever since that day, we had been inseparable; sleepovers in my tree house every Friday, movie night Tuesday in the blanket fort we’d make in his living room, stealing extra Yorkshire puddings at Sunday roast.  I was the one that was always in front of the stage at every White Eskimo show and when Harry went to Manchester Central to audition for The X Factor, I was right backstage with his family cheering him on.  When he called me to say One Direction had gotten through to live shows, I cried.  I always knew that he was destined to be something more but I was nervous that I was going to lose my best friend.  He had been the one constant in my life and I wasn’t ready for that to be taken away from me. 

We managed to stay in constant contact while One Direction travelled the world, sometimes our phone calls or Skype calls only lasted 5 minutes but I could always count on a text from Harry before he went to sleep that always said, “I miss my Emmy bear. Can’t wait to see you xx”. 

But, like I said, this isn’t your typical, run of the mill love story.  This is a story about what happens when two best friends decide to take that next step.   

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