Stop Teasing

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It had been a week and a half since our arrangement had started. So far, it worked. I was a happier person if I was to be completely honest. I didn't get as upset when I went out with friends and they found a guy to go home with at the bar because all I had to do was give Harry a call and I could have the most mind blowing sex I'd ever had. And Harry did the same. Like the other day, he had called me while he was at the studio with the band and said how frustrated and stressed he was so I surprised him. When he walked into his flat that night and walked into his bedroom, I was lying on his bed in nothing but the lingerie I had discovered was his favourite, fire red lace bra and panties. I had never felt a fire like this before, the way his soft lips kissed all over my body and the way his fingertips lightly grazed over my breasts just made me want to burst into flames.  

No one but Harry and I knew about our agreement, the other boys wouldn't understand and it was more fun this way. The accidental spill of water on his jeans just to tease, the subtle pinch of my bum, the dirty things we'd whisper into each other's ears, it was like a game to us.

It was a typical Friday evening, which meant that I was in my pyjamas on my couch snuggling with a pint of ice cream and catching up on trashy television. Just as I clicked play on this weeks episode of Made In Chelsea my phone begins to ring. I know it's Harry just by the ringtone. He thought it would appropriate, and hilarious, if his ringtone was "Rock Me". I follow the faint sound until I find my phone buried under my duvet and pillows on my bed.

"Hi Harry," I coo. I hadn't seen him in two days because of the boys' busy schedule. Not only was I beginning to miss the sex, I missed my best friend. Whenever he was home, Fridays were always our nights together.

"What are you wearing?" His tone sounds curious with a bit of flirtation behind it.

"Well it's Friday so I'm in pyjamas." I wasn't in much of a mood to have 5 minute phone sex with him as there were more important things happening on Chelsea.

"You sure know how to kill a mood, Em," he chuckles and I imagine him shaking the curls out of his face a dimpled grin appearing. "But seriously, Nick and the gang are all going out to dinner and I haven't seen you in a while so I want you to join me."

"I don't know, Harry." Friday nights were the one thing I held sacred, it was like the Sabbath for me. I never went out, it was always ice cream and bad television for me.

"Please, Em. I know you've missed me. In more ways than one." A cheeky grin is probably plastered on his face right now, knowing without a doubt that I've missed his hands on me. "Put on something sexy and I'll be there in 10."

"What?" Before I could even finish, the line cut off. Fuck, I had ten minutes to shower, find something to wear and try my best to look sexy before Harry got here.

I shut the tv off and throw the remote on the couch, run into the kitchen and put the ice cream back into the freezer and rush into the bathroom. I turn the water all the way to the warmest setting it could go and quickly wash my hair, making sure to brush my hair while the conditioner is still in so I don't have to worry about trying to brush through knots later. When I'm done washing all the soap out of my hair, I jump out of the shower and almost plummet as I slip on a puddle of water. I wipe the steam off the mirror and make sure all my makeup from previous was no longer visible. When I open the door to my room, I almost have a heart attack when I notice the guy standing by my dresser looking the photos that hang on the wall behind it.

Harry looks like he's walked straight from a Burberry photoshoot. His brown curls pushed up away from his forehead, the slightest bit of stuble on his upper lip. His beautiful, long torso underneath a grey Henley shirt which leads me down his legs that are adorning a tight pair of black skinny jeans. He can make such a simple outfit look like it took hours to put together. That's one thing that has changed since One Direction, his style, and damn, I'm glad it did.

"Walk into people's houses often, Styles," I say trying to bring my mind back, yet again, from thoughts about how beautiful he is. He continues to pick at things on the dresser, picking up perfume bottle after perfume bottle spraying and sniffing each one.

"Better be glad that it was me that found your key in the pathetic excuse you call a hiding spot and not a murderer." He put down a bottle perfume after he nearly sprayed it in his eye. "Missed you, Emmy," he says as walks over to me. I dodge his embrace as I know that me only wearing a towel is making him go crazy.

"Mhm, sure you did." I walk past him and head straight to my closet. As I'm walking away, I know that his eyes are staring at how the short towel barely covers my bum so I intentionally sway my hips a bit more when I walk. I hear a low moan escape his mouth as I enter the walk in closet.

I search through all my clothes and I am shocked at how little sexy clothing I have when I'm a 20 year old girl living in London, it just makes no sense to me. I look at all my dresses at least 3 times. I've worn them all before, and majority of them with Harry at various One Direction events. I don't want him to see me in a dress I've already worn. If he would've given me more notice, I would've run to the shops and found something amazing to wear out tonight.

"We're going to Whisky Mist after, so prepare for that." Great. So now I have to look even better than I originally thought.

"You know, you're really starting to piss me off with this last minute shit," I say as I peek my head out of the closet to playfully scold him. Suddenly, an outfit pops into my head. I had bought a dress a few months prior and I never wore it. I searched through the back of my closet, finding the dress still zipped in a garment bag. I walk out of the closet, holding my towel to me tightly as I threw the garment back on the bed next to him.

"Okay, Haz, time for you to leave. Some of us have to do a bit more than throw on a pair of ripped jeans and shirt to look good." I stand up and hold the door open trying to usher him out.

"I've seen you naked plenty of times." He doesn't look up from the magazine he's reading.

"Shut up, that's different." I throw the sweatshirt hanging on the back of the door at his face to get his full attention.

"Remember back when we were 16 and we were swimming in that pond near my house and you didn't have your swim costume with you so you had to swim naked and when you jumped in you told me not to look?" He gets off the bed and walks over to me, a smirk on his face and a raised eyebrow. The blood rushed to my cheeks as I suddenly felt embarrassed for 16 year old me who was gawked at by 16 year old Harry. Harry slowly moves so he is behind me, looking me up and down, his fingers lightly touching my chest and my arms as he moves in a circle around me. He leans down to my ear and whispers, "I did." He yanks on the bottom of my towel, allowing it to fall slightly but I grabbed it before it hit the floor. He lightly chuckles as he makes his way out of the room and into the living room. I close the door behind him and lean my back against it, my chest heaving up and down. I don't know if it was the confession or the way his hands touched my body and the way his warm breathed tickled at my ear, but my heart was pounding.

As I finish the final touches on my hair and makeup, I take the dress out of the garment bag and hang it on the closet door to take a look at it. It's even more gorgeous than I remember. A little black dress with a long sleeve and a nice cutout on the left side of my hip. If sexy is what Harry wants, sexy is what Harry gets.

Harry's POV

As I finish my 2nd cuppa, I look down at my phone and see that she's been in there for 45 minutes. There's of course nothing on tv tonight so I've had to suffer through her saved recordings of TOWIE and I don't feel like suffering through another one. I switch off the television and make my way towards her room.

"Emmy, would you hurry the fuck up?" I say as I knock and open the door. She's standing in front of the long mirror on the wall putting the final touches on her makeup. She turns around to look at me and I almost lose control. The dress perfectly accentuates her small waist and the curve of her hips. I eye her up and down, taking in every inch of her body. As I look into her dark brown eyes that have a look of lust in them, I bite my lip and imagine all the things I want to do to her. "Fuck."

"Yeah? You think?" She gives a light shrug as she turns back to the mirror to pull the sleeve that was slowly moving down her shoulder to expose more skin and to pull the hem of the dress down. I could tell that the way she felt didn't reflect the way she looked. She didn't fully know just how beautiful she was. It was my job to do that.

"I hope that dress is easy to get out of." I move closer to her, nudging her head to the side and leaving a trail of soft kisses from her collarbone up to her jaw, finding the sweet spot just behind her ear and sucking. Her hands went to the nape of my neck and began pulling at the curls. As I soothed the mark I inevitably left with my tongue, a light moan escaped her parted lips. As I continued to leave my mark on her exposed neck, I moved my hands to the back of her thighs and reflexively she lifted up and wrapped her legs around my waist.

"Mm, missed you so much," I say in between kisses along her chest. She moans in response, I could tell she missed me too. I moved us back to the edge of the bed and placed my body between her legs as I continued to leave red little flowers along her neck.

Emmy's POV

Strangled moans were all I could elicit as Harry nipped at the skin on my neck and on my collarbone.  I missed this feeling, the feeling of overwhelming pleasure.  All he did was look at me when he entered the room and body turned to mush.  For as long as I had known Harry, he always complimented me whenever I dressed up, but he never reacted this way before.  His deep jade eyes fully dialated, the beating of his heart rapid and his lips, so full of lust and passion.  The hem of my dress was inching up my thighs as the friction between our bodies increased and with every movement, I could feel just how much tighter Harry's jeans were.  

His hand began travelling down my chest, my torso and landing right on my upper thigh, his hands, which usually felt like sandpaper, seemed to feel like smooth silk as he trailed up where I desparately needed him the most.  I buck my hips up to his hand to let him know exactly what I want without breaking our kiss.  I can feel his grin against my lips as he begins to softly rub over the lace front of my panties.  He puts a bit of pressure into the rub and I roughly pull at his hair at the response. God, he's good.  He moves them to the side and trails his fingers down my centre, his cool fingers sending chills down my spine.  Without warning he inserts one finger and begin slowly and painfully pumping in and out whilst rubbing my sensitive spot with his thumb.  He picks up speed and he curves his finger and finds that beautiful spot and I fist the sheets, trying to hold in the cry I was wanting to let out.  I was close to my release when all of sudden, he stopped

"What the fuck was that?" I lean up on my elbows as I watch him answer a text from someone, probably from Nick wonder where the hell we were.  

"Well, someone didn't sound like they were enjoying themselves very much.  Makes a guy feel bad when a girl is holding in her screams, Emmy.  Besides, Nick outside waiting for us." He picks his jacket off the chair by the window and shrugs it on his shoulders.  I take the pillow behind me and chuck it at his face but without fail, he catches it before it hits him.  "Be nice," he coos.  He knows exactly what he's doing to me and I'm going to get him back for it.

"Whatever, Styles," I say as I straighten my dress back to it's appropriate length and slip into my black heels.  "Just know that no one is a better tease than me."  With that, I give him a wink and exit the room grabbing the Strawberry Zoom lollipop on the kitchen counter.  He better get ready to take a cold shower with what I have in store.  

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2013 ⏰

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