First Day Heart Attack

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     Cameron and I made our way through the front gates of our newly relocated school. I couldn't help but gaze in awe at the scale. Our school's old building was so tiny that we could touch either side of the hallway walls just by stretching. This new building resembled a fortress, even when we stepped instead our eyes couldn't help but fall into a trance.

"How did we go from a cottage to a castle?" Cameron whistled.

"I don't know, but I'm not complaining," I replied with a smile.

      Cameron smiled back as we walked around a little more. The lockers appeared as though that they could fit three people inside. That fact started to make me feel sorry for the people that would get picked on this year. I've had my fair share of bullies back in middle school and even last year. I just hope things don't repeat themselves. Cameron must have realized that I zoned out because I heard an awkward cough come from him.

"Oh I'm sorry," I apologized.

"It's fine I just thought I would have to carry you to class."

I laughed half heartedly, "Let's go see if we can get our scheduling figured out."

"Sounds like a plan."

      Cameron and I ventured deeper into this new terrain, searching for closest clue of where we needed to be. I looked around me and all I could really notice where the myriads upon myriads of students piling in. I then looked around to see hallways covered in poster for clubs that haven't even formed yet. When I stared above, my mouth gawked open as I saw a beautiful mural of fish and the sea at the center. Each of the floors seemed to have been carved around the masterpiece because there were railings (from the second floor up) to stop us from falling if we were to stare too close. My vision blurred as I saw a large hand wave in front of me.

"Lacey?" Cameron spoke, "Come back to Earth."

"Huh? What?" I looked at him confused, "What's wrong Cameron?"

"Well you were kinda staring at the Orientation table for a couple minutes......then you kinda started falling in love with the fishes above," He pointed towards the mural mockingly. It's true I was staring at it for a long time, but I don't recall seeing the table for Orientation.

"Oi were you just gonna let me keep searching? Geesz that's pretty harsh," he chuckled.

"I wasn't staring at the table-" I looked a little more closely in front of me, past the pile of students. It was then that the table full of teachers came into view. To make matters worse the words Roster Assigners were marked clearly and rather largely in red in front of them. I couldn't help but face palm.

"Hey it's okay, anyone could have made that mistake," Cameron said trying to make me feel better.

     The thing is not everyone could have made that mistake. The words were so huge that you could have seen them clearly from the dark side of the Moon. Only I could have missed something so obvious. I should have worn my glasses.....

Maybe you can't read.

No no she must have been gawking at the cutie in the tight uniform shirt.

She must have seen the villian stealing a pen from one of the teachers table, THAT FIEND!!!

She wouldn't have to look at them if they were all dead....

      I looked around confused searching for the sources of the conversation. Who the heck said those things?? Last time I checked I could read at a college level. Additionally, I wasn't even checking out Thompson!!!!! .....Ok maybe that shirt did fit him just right. Well why would I care about someone stealing a stupid pen? Wait what the heck?!?!? Who wanted everyone dead?!!!!

"Cameron did you hear that?!!!" I asked scaredly.

"Hear what?"

"The threat that someone made against the school!"

Cameron looked at me confused, "A threat? When did someone start to threat the school? It's only the first day...."

"Cameron I'm serious!"

He looked at me worried, "Are you feeling alright Lacey? Maybe the new school is too much for you...."

     What was he talking about? I am perfectly fine! I held my temples and tried to concentrate. I heard those things right, but why didn't Cameron hear them he's standing right next to me. I looked at Cameron who seemed to have been examining me. Poor guy, maybe I was imagining things.......but why did they feel so real?

I sighed and put on my best smile, "This new building is so overwhelming, I must have misheard some students passing by."

Cameron's face relaxed in relief, "Well we all know that the kids at our school aren't completely normal."

I cracked a laugh, "Agreed. Let's go get our schedules."

     He nodded as he started to walk towards the Roster Assigners table. I held onto his skull bookbag so I wouldn't get lost. I soon became thankful that I became friends with a giant because the crowd of students parted like the Red Sea in his presence. I guess not many kids want to get squashed on the first day. The thing with Cameron is that he was muscular in his own way. His height seemed to have contributed to how thin he is, so all he had left on him was skin, bones and some muscle that could make him pretty strong if he worked out.

Maybe he would get a six pack

      There's that voice again....I shook my head. I'm just overly excited for the school year. I can't let Cameron get upset over me again. Great I was fussing over a guy that I just met.......what's wrong with me today? We finally got to the table, but I didn't let go of Cameron's bookbag.

"Name?" the teacher spoke, you could tell from the sound of his voice that he was already tired of seeing annoying teenagers.

"Cameron Matthews sir."

"Ah yes, I was told about you..."

      What did that mean? Did Cameron have the supplement classes? He seems pretty normal to me....

      The teacher cleared his throat as he gave Cameron what sounded like a paper, "And what about the one behind you?"

I blushed. I forgot that I was holding onto Cameron! I let go as quickly as possible and fixed my uniform, "Lacey Rivers sir."

     He looked unamused as he gave me my roster and shooed us away. As soon as we were out of earshot Cameron began to speak,

"Someone has a twig up their rear."

I laughed a little, "Probably."

     He looked down at his paper and looked a little upset.

"Hey what's wrong?" I questioned.

"Oh um nothing, we should get to orientation it starts in about ten minutes," he tried to hide his distraught.

     I leaned over to look at his paper, but he immediately stashed it away in his pocket and took my arm,

"Orientation should be this way."

"Woah," I yelped as he dragged me along. What made him so upset? Was he hiding something? Who is this stranger that I met?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2016 ⏰

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