I don't like Ronnie, I swear

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The next day I woke up at 6:00 to get ready for school, with a blistering head ache. "I knew that concert last night would be a bad idea..." I thought to myself. I went downstairs to say good morning to my mom but she wasn't there... Then I remembered she was at Brent's house last night. I liked that she trusted me and I could stay home alone, but sometimes if she would check in on me to make sure I'm not dead or anything it would be nice. I make myself a cup of coffee and head upstairs to get ready for my day while it cools. I go into my room and check my phone, only to find a text message from an unknown number. "Hey clara, this is Ronnie! Hope you had fun last night!" The message said. I responded with a simple "thanks (:" and set my phone down. I changed out of my pajamas into a falling in reverse shirt (ronnie gave it to me for free last night, so I might as well wear it) and some skinny jeans. By 7:00 I was done and ready to go. I grabbed my car keys and left a note for my mom saying "hope you had fun at Brent's yesterday, see you after school" and left.

I was walking to my locker when I was greeted by Lauren. "Heyyy cla- wait... Is that a falling in reverse shirt? Don't tell me-" she started to say but I cut her off. "Haha no don't worry, ronnie just have my the shirt for free last night and I decided I'd wear it because... Well I don't really have a reason. Why the hell not!" I said. "Ah I see..." She said while eyeing me suspiciously. "I didn't really think they were bad guys. I mean yeah I'm sure ronnie was just being like extra nice or something last night. I still think he's a total asshole" I said, reassuring her. "Ah okay good. Just wanted to make sure you weren't turning into a crazed ronnie radke Fangirl or something." She said with a rude tone. "Yeah" was all I could think to say. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out only to find another message from ronnie. "Hey, tonight's my last show on the tour, you should come! I can get someone to give you a ride if you need it" he said. "Who was that?" Lauren asked. "Oh... Uh, just my mom." I lied. I was horrible at lying. "What did she say" Lauren asked. Dammit. Now what am I supposed to say? "Uh, she's um... Just checking in on me" I said, hoping she wouldn't catch on. "Oh, ok... Weird." Lauren said. Whew.

"Maybe, I'll have to see what the homework load is tonight" I lied, knowing I wouldn't get any homework due to finals all day. "Ok! Hope you can make it :)" he answered within seconds. I locked my phone, shoved the rest of my books into my locker, and went to class.

I am not in love with Ronnie RadkeWhere stories live. Discover now