Chapter 2: Reality

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I felt a nudge at my shoulder. I pulled myself away from it and continued to sleep.

"Wake up!" I heard a loud voice.

Immediately I sat up when I remembered my new surroundings. There was my master sitting at my side. He was already dressed and he looked to me.

"It's almost midnight. Get up. I have a few things to show you." Hansol stood from my bed. "Drink and get dressed." He then turned and left.

I looked to my bedside and seen a glass of fresh blood. I grabbed it and drank it greedily. I wanted more but I knew my master would spare no more.

I went to the closet and found an abundance of clothes. They were all my size. Did my master prepare this for me? I rummaged through it and found a suitable pair of clothes. Just simple black and white. I found a few pair of shoes in another closet.

After I was dressed I left my room and went to the room next to mine. I opened the door only to find Jiho, the halfling from the night before, looking to Hansol who was sitting on the bed.

"It meant nothing Hansol. I swear it was just the fever. It'll be over soon." Jiho looked frustrated.

My master looked to me. "I need to teach my new halfling." Hansol stood up and pushed passed Jiho. His face was emotionless.

"Him?" Jiho pointed to me. "You said you would not take another. Why is he here?" Jiho began to rush towards me. I stepped back.

Hansol stopped him. "He is mine and you are not my master. I don't answer to you or anyone. Don't forget your place halfling." Hansol pulled Jiho back and came towards me. My master pushed passed me. "Follow me." His voice was full of anger.

I immediately followed behind him and he lead me outside.

We walked in silence until we were far from the building. "Every immortal is born with a special gift. It is embedded in us at the time of our human birth and it lies dormant until we become immortal." Hansol kept speaking as he walked further away from the large house. It didn't look like a house though more like a hotel. "Mine is this." Suddenly he let go of my hand and he disappeared from my sight.

Even with my new heightened vision I could not see him. "Master?" No one replied. "Hansol?" I looked around.

Did he abandon me?

"I'm gone for one second and you forget how to address me." My master's voice came from behind me. I turn and he is not there.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"I am here." His voice came from beside me. I turned but he wasn't there. "Here I am." He said again from another direction yet I looked and he wasn't there.

"Where?" I kept turning in circles.

"I am here." Suddenly he appeared before me as if he stepped out from behind a door.

I was shocked and surprised. "How did you do that?" I asked in amazement.

"It's easy." He smiled. "Give me your hand." My master reached out to me.

I took his hand and suddenly my hand disappeared with his. I stared at the end of my arm where my hand should be but it was no longer there. I felt his hand and I could still feel my hand. When I let go of his hand, my hand reappeared.

"Can I do this?" I asked as I stared at my hand as if seeing it for the first time.

"Maybe or maybe not. We each have a gift. Yours is probably different but it will reveal itself in time." He turned from me and begin walking. I followed behind him. "I never tell others of this so early in their immortal life however you have met Taeyang. He is a very powerful immortal. He is a mind bender. He can manipulate your thoughts. He can make you do things you don't want to do and he can control your mind when you are at your weakest. So I want you to stay away from him. He has a reason to want to hurt me and he will use you to get to me. He has done it before." My master's voice grew quiet.

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