Chapter 1

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Hey kitten.

I raised an eyebrow looking up at the familiar voice.

What do you want Gaara.

Just stopped by to see how my beautiful Hinata is doing. He replied with a wink.

As if. I replied.
If you're not here to order something I'm afraid you have to leave I said with a smirk.

He just smirked back at me and started scanning the menu. Alright I'll take -a large iced coffee I finsihed his sentence for him since thats literally the only thing he ever orders when he comes it.
He looked at me and smiled, yea that he replied. Ah Hinata you are a prissy one. He said with a half smile.

I just rolled my eyes at him. And went to make him his damn iced coffee.
Here you go one large iced coffee. I said handing him the cup.

Thanks he replied handing me the money. See you around kitten he said walking out the door waving bye.

I watched as he walked out the door and let out a long sigh.
He comes in occasionally just to say hi and orders the same thing everytime..
I didn't even know much about him besides his name and that he calls me kitten.. hes a complete mystery. He's still new to the area but he's already got so many fan girls already. Some are actually really cute, cuter than me. So I don't know what he wants from me. He's not even my type.. but for some reason my heartbeat fastens every morning when he stops by.. he gets me nervous but thats something I'll never admit to him.

Hinata chan! You know he's not that bad in fact he's really cute. my friend tenten said catching me off guard.

My face turned a light shade of red just thinking about it.

Tenten don't be crazy. I don't even know the guy.
So get to know him! She replied with excitement.
He's not even my type! I said trying my best to fight it.
Ehh so! He's cute, tall, and seems interested in you! What more do you want Hinata! She yelled.
We're just two very different people. It wouldn't work. C'mon lets get back to work. I said trying to get my mind off of the topic.

*7 hours later*
Ugh im exhausted. I said sitting down at one of the booths. One large mocha frapp please I asked tenten handing her the money for my drink.

You don't have to pay! Remember? You really are working your ass off.. Maybe you should call in and take a day or two off.

Maybe you're right I said taking my drink from tenten. Maybe I should take a couple days off. You know what I'm gonna do it! I said drinking down my drink.

Good! You need hinata time not starbucks time. Tenten said laughing.

I sure do! Ok I'm gonna get going now before it gets really dark out. I'll see you in a couple days! I said waving goodbye to tenten. I walked out the door and started heading home down the dark paths behind the park. It was a beautiful night out the sky was clear and the stars were shining bright out. Until a tiny light caught my attention when I seen it flouting up in the sky in my direction.. a lantern? Hmm I wonder who it could be.

-Gaaras POV-
I walked down a dark pathway by a small lake and a park. Tonight's such a clear night, it's prefect.. I lit a small pink candle that lit the lantern and sent it off floating into the beautiful midnight sky.
I love and miss you so much I whisperd.
It wasn't long after until I heard footsteps from afar. Then..

Gaara? Is that you?

Oh, I know that voice from anywhere. I quickly whipped away my tears that escaped my eyes a few moments ago and turned around to be face to face with Hinata.

Hey kitten. What are you doing out so late.

I just got off work, my house is just down this road. Are you alright? Why are you out so late?

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