Sniper X Reader Ch.1 [Mondays...]

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Your eyes slowly opened, sticking together with what seemed like glue. After a few tries of getting them to open, you finally peeled your eyes open, exposing their watery-ness to the dry room. Blinking a few times to stop the blurry morning vision, you cleared your throat. Obviously last nights sleep didn't go very well, being the night owl you were. Your hazy vision scanned the room, settling on the alarm clock, which you then realized was beeping. The analog clock shone with three green numbers- 5:15. You groaned, sitting up fast. Your head swam and the world started turning colors, and you clutched your head.
I hate mornings...
You reached over and slammed your arm lazily on the clock. However, the alarm clock refused to cease its endless beeping. You kept fumbling with it until it finally fell off the table with a clunk, dangling by its electrical cords.
"Beep! Beep! Beep!"
That annoying little...
You took your pillow and threw it at it, 'accidentally' unplugging it from the wall.
"Dangit... Now I have to reset it later.."
Your grumbling words were now the only noise penetrating the quietness in the dark room, so you decided to get up. You slowly rolled out of bed, stretching your aching limbs and scratching your side. Today's the day! Although I'm not really up for it.. But then again, I never am in the mornings, you thought. Monday's...
You trudged over to the blinds, opening them with the pull strings hanging down from the sides. The sunlight, cut into strips by the blinds, tore through the darkness in the room, and you could see floating fuzz particles whisping through the strips of sunlight.  The sun that flooded the room with its beautiful washes of morning colors cheered you, and you sighed in content. You then got dressed quickly, and headed to the bathroom to do your business and freshen up. While in there, you splashed cold water on your face, helping yourself to wake up a little more. Your (h/c) (h/l) hair was a little greasy, so you pulled it up in a ponytail and called it good. (If your hair isn't long enough, then let's just say you said screw it and moved on anyways.)
Hopping down the stairs two at a time, your hair bouncing with you, you feel a rush of giddiness. Today is the day you start your new job as a RED mercenary! Butterflies churned in your stomach when realization hit. You were working with MEN. Only men.
"Oh, come on. There has to be at least one other woman there." You said reassuringly to yourself, trying not to ruin your pleasant mood.
"Maybe they're handsome and not totally gross, too...?"
You quickly fixed yourself your favorite breakfast, and set the dishes aside once you were done eating it. Hurriedly getting all the necessary items needed, including your (f/c) backpack loaded with necessities, you headed out.

                                 - - -

Fresh, cold, wet morning dew drops whisked by your ankles whilst you trudged through a grassy area in front of a small cafe, in an effort to get to the bus stop by the roadside corner quicker. The streets, dappled with the morning light, had few cars driving by, honking their loud horns into the crisp dawn air, sputtering polluting black smoke into the beautiful mist which hung everywhere like Christmas decorations. Smoke from the cars blew into your eyes as a chilly wind tumbled through, and you shivered, blinking the smoke out. Tugging your thin red jacket tighter around your frame, you hoped to keep a little warmer. The morning was quite chilly in the small city, busy with early risers heading to work. Some were old and grumbly, others young and free spirited. All, except for one mysterious man who stood out from the rest, in a blue pinstriped suit holding a baclava, smoking a cigar on the other side of the bus stop, leaning against a lamp post. You two locked eyes for a moment as you stopped by the bus stop, staring at each other's eyes. His pools of icy gray, and your sparkling (e/c) eyes. You looked away, shying like a forest doe. Did he catch me staring? You thought, frantically finding something to distract yourself with. No sooner had you looked away then had the shady man appeared next to you, blowing smoke rings out of his mouth.
"'Ou were looking at me, non?" The man said in a low voice. The man was standing right in the light of the sun, his head blocking it. Light seemed to stream around his lanky figure like a solar eclipse, and his face was emotionless, with dark jagged shadows resting upon it.
"U-um.. For a second..?" It was more of a question than a statement, since you couldn't fully see him, and were unsure of yourself. He moved his head ever so much so the sunlight barely licked his face, outlining the side of his strong face. The man had an incredibly handsome face, with carved cheekbones and expertly combed black hair, pulled together with his strong jaw with evenly trimmed stubble. His jawline was strong as the devil himself, curved with his crooked smirk, along with a cigarette dangling limply from his mouth.
His piercing steel blue eyes seemed to look through your soul, and it seemed he knew more about you then he was about to let on.
He broke into your thoughts with his suave French voice, making your breath hitch.
"I know, I am quite irresistible, petit."
As he spoke, the tips of your ears turned red as heat slowly came over your face.
"Um..." You searched for something to say to break the ice, not wanting to talk to the man too much. His face searched yours for emotion, only finding your hesitant gaze and burning cheekbones. You searched for some kind of escape, some way out- but there was nowhere to hide. He puffed out a ring of smoke, and stuck the butt of his cigar in a nearby ash tray. Turning back at you, he straightened his tie and smiled, making your stomach buzz with butterflies. Just as you figured a good way out without offending him or anything, the bus came to the stop with a screech, saving you from the awkward situation.
"This is my ride, I have to go now." You said quickly and as calmly as possible. You then mounted the bus, quicker than an eyelids beat. You made your way towards the back, hoping the shady man wouldn't follow you.
But he did.
And sat.
You scooted closer to the window, feeling uncomfortable at his presence. His presence seemed to bring an aura of foreboding danger, and goosebumps chilled your spine. He noticed your action of scooting away, and chuckled. "Good thing we are riding zhe same bus, now we can continue our little... 'Chat.'" He scooted closer to you, draping his arm around your shoulders. The scent of expensive cologne wafted through the air and you inhaled it with every breath, no matter how much you disliked it. It's one thing to faintly smell good, but a completely different thing to smell like you bathe in cologne 24/7. After a minute it felt like you were suffocating though, and you gently removed his arm from your shoulders, not being able to take the scent. Or the harassment, for that matter. You gave a smug smirk at his surprised reaction, and he folded his hands in his lap. You quickly stopped smirking though, trying to act natural.
"'Ou know, 'ou have a very beau face, ma petit. I haven't seen 'ou around zhis place before, are 'ou new?" You took a sharp intake of breath and looked at his expectant face. His eyes lit up in anticipation as you sighed, letting go of the air you were holding in, looking him in the eye the best you could. This guy just doesn't know when to give up, does he?
"N-No, actually. I just don't go around town too often. But with my new job, I'll be even busier. They want me to practically move there, it's kinda weird." The small talk you made, though, was all for naught, as you, not knowing the man was a spy, hungry for gossip, resided in the enemy base, and knew most the secrets you held already. Your face burned red and you shifted uncomfortably as the distance seemed to grow smaller between you two.
"Oh? And may I ask just what 'our new job ees, beau petit fleur?" You could smell his smoky breath, he was so close.
"I-I signed a contract with some place called RED, or Reliable Excavation & Demolition.." You said, hiding the fact that it was a mercenary base. But he was well aware of it. He beamed, leaning back and settling himself comfortably. You let out a breath you haven't realized you were holding in as he leaned away from you.
"Oh, sounds delightful. I hear it ees an long ride to Tuefort, non?"
"Y-Yeah, super excited for that." You replied sarcastically. He then smirked, looking around to see if anyone was watching before leaning in towards you again. You tensed up, unsure of what he was doing. He noticed this and chuckled, pulling a card out of his suit.
"Relax, mon Cher, eet is only zhis." He whispered. You took the small rectangular card from his hand, looking at it curiously.
"This... Is a card from BLU... You do realize-"
"Oui, zhat I do. Et I am offering 'ou a job. Take it or leave... in more than one piece, mon amour." The whispered threat threw you off, and you gulped. You started shaking, a cold sweat finding its way onto your forehead. I'm not even there and I'm running into enemies! What if he attacks?, he wouldn't attack an unarmed woman.... Would he?
"I-I'm flattered, b-but... No. I already signed a contract with RED." Your decision stood firm now, and it was clear there was no persuading you, so the man took a different approach.
"Oh, really now? Perhaps zhis, will make 'ou rethink zhat." He quickly pulled out his baclava and pulled it over his head, and stood. Pulling a silver gun from his jacket, he pointed it at you with a sneer. Or what you thought was a sneer. The baclava covered his face, and his eyes were scrunched. He clicked the gun, ready to shoot. Screams were heard as other people on the bus scrambled for cover, and the bus driver looked up in horror, but kept driving.
"Eet would be a shame to harm such a beau face, mon Cher. I suggest 'ou reconsider 'our priori-" the man was cut off with a gurgle, clutching his chest. Scarlet drops of blood soaked his glove and chest, dripping onto the floor. His fist clenched as his face grimaced, scrunching before his eyes went blank. He fell to his knees, then to the ground, to reveal a red version of him, baclava and everything, glaring down at him. The doppelgänger reached down and pulled the knife out of his back, spitting on him. He flipped his knife around a few times before shutting it with a click, and sticking it in his suit pocket. He looked up at your shaking form, raising an eyebrow.
"Sorry to 'pop in unannounced', but I assume zhis BLU scum was bozhering 'ou, non?
You tried to search for words, but all that came out was, "Umm... Y-Yeah. Thanks.."
And just like that he disappeared, a small whooshing noise following. The body of the blue man disappeared too, but instead of fading, it just popped out of existence. You rubbed your wide eyes, blinking several times. Am I imagining this? You thought. I must be tired... You looked up as people hesitantly returned to their seats, giving you weird stares. Some old lady even shook her head at you, returning to looking at her newspaper.
Well, at least there's only about an hour left of this ride. And with that you unbuttoned your coat, draping it over yourself. You decided to get some shuteye and forget about what just happened, and soon nodded off, spiraling into pleasant dreams.

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