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After and ages of begging, an operation, and a few weeks of lying in a bed, Ruby insisted she felt well enough for a wheelchair. With a few arguments with caretakers, Ruby finally was permitted to wheel around Camp Jupiter with Teddy. It would've been better with the Jackson twins, but they were required to go to school.
Jaz had carefully aligned a portal at the newly constructed obelisk at new Rome. Ruby inhaled, pushing her now natural Carmel hair behind her shoulder. Ruby clumsily wheeled herself through the vortex of swirling sand.

Ruby straightened the wheelchair out, but only barely enough. The wheel chair just about tipped, and Ruby painfully threw her weight to one side. She managed not to tip out of her wheelchair.
Her one-man welcoming commitee laughed,"Very smooth, Rubz."Ted teased.
Ruby scowled,"You've never gone through a portal! You can't say anything."
Ted shrugged,"In that case, I hope I never go through a portal."
"It's convenient though. I just came here from Egypt."Ruby defended.
"You were in Egypt? That's actually very convenient."
"Imagine if the seven had portals."Ruby agreed.
"You need to find a Greek equivalent of portals."Teddy suggested."Save you a lot of trouble, and great for pranking."
Ruby shook her head,"I actually can make a portal if I was forced to. I've never done it, but..."Ruby dimly wondered if she would be able to make a tunnel through the duat like gods could.
"I thought that Greek portals were dark magic?"
Ruby winced,"I-- I um..."Ruby sighed,"Can I tell you something that may get me killed? I mean-- the gods figured it out anyways but--."
Teddy's jaw drooped,"Have you been using dark--"
"GODS NO!No, compared to that I'm a little bunny. No, all I was going to say is that I'm not a daughter of Hecate. I'm the daughter of Sadie Kane."
Teddy covered his face and exhaled."Better than dark magic. Lying to me for seven years. Why? Why are you even here then?"
"I'm a demigod."Ruby admitted.
"Egyptians have Magicians. Not demigods. Nice one."Ted snorted, as if Ruby was making a joke.
"My dad is Anubis. When I disappeared during war games, I used the duat. When I said 'Sorry', I actually said Ha-wi, which is Egyptian for strike. My book that I'm so protective of is a gift from Bastet. I was named after my grandmother Ruby Kane. Prove me wrong."
"You use the mist--"
"It's actually basic duat manipulation. Felix taught me the trick on the first day I was here so I could hide my ashes."
"Your ashes?"Ted asked, still disbelieving. Maybe you lost too much--"
Ruby pulled a roll of duck tape out from the duat. She released the tension in her hand she was so used to. She released the concentration she had become accustomed to using day and night. The duct tape fell apart like a greek monster, dissolving into ashes.
Ted stared at the duck tape."You're not kidding?"
"I could hold the feather of truth and I wouldn't burn up."Ruby agreed."So if a god decided they want to kill the first Egyptian demigod ever, you know why. My gods know I was born and are debating wether I am an enemy or a friend. Just a warning, I might be brutally murdered."
Ted rolled his eyes,"If you don't cut out this charade I'm wheeling you to Annabeth and Percy."
"I need to talk to them anyways."Ruby shrugged.
Ted groaned,"Fine. But I still have my legion duties too. We have to report in forty-five minutes."
"Then you can get me out of your hair."Ruby added.
"Actually, you're coming to the meeting today. The legion still doesn't know your story, and they want to know what you recall so they can rightly punish your stabber."
"He doesn't need a punishment! It's literally my fault!"Ruby protested, a few legionnaires stopped and states at Ruby in amazement.
Whispers started immediately and yelps of surprise. Ruby heard one yell,"Zombie!"
Ted nudged Fergie's shoulder,"I was gonna say you shouldn't use magic, but get us out of here in the most effortless way you can."
Ruby grabbed Ted's wrist and sank to a lower level of the duat with the ease of a finger flick. All organic life disappeared, only leaving the buildings.
Ted gasped,"What did you do?"
Ruby shrugged,"Relax. We're just in a different level of the duat. Be lucky I've practiced. Otherwise we would've found some demons."
"The duat? You're actually a magician?!"
Ruby rolled her eyes,"I haven't directly lied to anyone except saying that I'm a daughter of Hecate."
"But I thought the Duat was one of the hardest--."
"It's easy for me. I'm guessing it's my dad. Gods are pulled down and humans are pulled up. That's why Egyptian gods have hosts."
"You weren't joking?"Teddy demanded as he wheeled Ruby toward the Jackson's apartment building.
"I try not to lie. Unless if I'm hiding a surprise. That's a whole other story. I perfer to not tell the whole truth."
"You weren't kidding about the killing thing then?"
"Yeah, there's a prophecy. The first woman who nearly gave birth to a demigod was brutally killed before her baby was born. My mom was luckier. I'm the second chance."
Ted snorted,"In that case, this is the worst time for you to get stabbed! 'Let's kill her', 'WHEEL FOR YOUR LIFE'!"
Ruby rolled her eyes,"How reassuring?"
"If it makes you feel better, I'll be there trying to talk them down, saying how just got stabbed already."
"If you say it like that then It'll sound like I'm already dead."
"In that case they'll think their job is done and you'll get to live a happy life."
"Except for the fact that i'm in a prophecy."Ruby countered.
Ted froze,"Does the Jackson's apartment building have an elevator?"
"No--why?,"Ruby asked just as it hit her,"How am I going to get up there?"
Teddy frowned,"You don't have any magical trucks up your sleeve?"
"Why would we need a truck?"Ruby teased.
Ted punched her gently in the arm." I meant tricks. Do you have any magic tricks up your sleeve?"
Ruby shook her head,"None that are safe and that I've tried."
"What about a portal?"Ted suggested."Or you could levitate yourself."
Ruby pursed her lips,"I could try to levitate myself, but..."
Ruby closed her eyes,"Float." Ruby and her wheelchair drifted slightly up, then fell to the ground.
"You said that in English! That doesn't work for--"
"I'm sorry I don't know Egyptian for float!"Ruby defended."I'm surprised I actually remember most words!"
"Why don't Egyptians just use English instead?"
"It drains more energy."Ruby explained."But I'm not leviatating up the stairs for sure."
"If you're the daughter of Anubis can't you summon something like mummy wrap and--"
Ruby blushed,"Oh yeah!" She snapped her fingers and seven rolls of linen popped out of thin air. They fell to the ground and began unraveling themselves, creating a long, gentle ramp that traveled for three or four football fields before hooking on to the public balcony of the Jackson's apartment complex. (That sentence was complex)
Teddy's jaw dropped,"I was joking! I didn't think you could actually do that!"
Ruby shrugged, hiding a smile of pleasure that she had surprised him."Eh, it works. "

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