Chapter seven

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Narrator:Chase woke up and said
Chase:i love her but i need more time so i shouldn't be by her.
Narrator:Skye woke up and said
Skye:i know chase and he will need more time so i should stay away from him
Narrator:chase and skye wake up and spot each other.they looked as of they were about to say something but quickly walked away
Zuma:whats wrong with them
Marshall:they seemed so happy last night
Marshall:not like that but we need to get them toghter
Narrator:Ryder walks in with everest
Everest:I missed y'all im staying rhe whole week
Everest:why are our love birds ignoring each other
Chase:(looked up and blushed)we are not
Everest:chase you told me you so have a thing for her deciding something that's all
Everest:Hey Marshall
Marshall:yes bar i mean yes
Everest:Awwww would you like to got to the beach at sunset
Later at sunset.....
A:The next chapter is their date bye

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