Narrator:today is chase and skye's date.its the fouth of july and their going to see the fire woeks Chase:ready m'lady Skye:yes sir Chase:lets go then Skye:thanks At the fireworks..... Skye:these fire works are perfect Chase:not as perfect sa you Skye:i love toy Chase:i-i-i love you too Skye:(chuckled) Chase:wow!
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Mayor goodway:the last one was dedicated to chase and skye Chase:how about that Skye:i didnt do any of that Chase:i know(chuckled)i did Skye:chase i love you Narratro:skye said it so lound the whole town heard it(the whole town was at tge beach Chase:skye i love you too when we get back to the lookout ill tell you something Skye:(kissed chase) Chase:(blushed) Chase sang a song
SKYE:(cring)chase Chase:(kissed skye) Chase:i gotta song for you.(he sang:)
Skye:your my mr.perfect Chase:lets go to the look out for your last surprise A/n:what is chase showing skye find out next chapter