Chapter 2

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I had just arrived home and had just lied down when my door busted open sending me into a state of shock.

"May I help you?" I asked the man at my door. He appeared no older than me so I had no regret when I asked him that question rudely.

"The leader is coming and he requires all our presence. Including a weak runt as yourself."

I glared at him. After he said this he never left and just  stood at the door as if waiting for a reply. So I gave him one

"If you are finish. May you please exit my room and close the door behind you? Thank You"

I told him as I rolled over and covered myself once again with my sheets, seeing how it was still quite chilly from the recent winter season.

"Runt. Did you not hear me? I said our leader is coming and he only comes with important news. It would be wise if you exited you bed."

"I heard you the first time I just choose to ignore you. Now may you please leave? I am no longer in the mood to talk with you." He growled at me in a challenging way but I ignored it.

Through the years I went from a panicky and timid young lad. To a calm and level-headed man with an attitude. Instead of letting the comments they call me annoy me, I learned to ignore it. I learned how to tune out the voice they said to me and yet still know what they were saying. That skill kept me alive and kept and from being harmed.

I did not leave my bed until several more minutes when I heard our leader's wolf in the forest running this way. I knew he would be here in less than 15 minutes so I made myself presentable.  

I rinsed my body off from the dirt from training and took a white hoodie with jeans to wear. I pulled on my boots and passed my hand through my hair. I locked my room door then opened the window and jumped out.

I landed on the ground exactly and from there I walked into the kitchen using the front door. I grabbed an apple and began to eat. 

I walked to the courtroom where all meetings are held and took my usual spot. It was not within the swarm of chairs but instead on the second floor balcony. This way I could see as well as hear everything that was happening and if needed could run down fast enough so that nobody would suspect I was not present.

I sat on the ground and watched as the seats all filled up. Mother and children, husbands and their wives, young lads sitting among one another and everybody else. Our leader was present at the moment. 

He walked onto the stage with a paper in his hand. His heart was beating rapidly and he tried to calm it by inhaling and exhaling slowly it worked but slowly. Finally he hushed the crowd by raising his left muscular hand.

He had no need for any voice enhancement due to the fact that we all had super hearing and could hear him fine. Some more than others but nonetheless we all would hear him.

"I come with news from the Euve themselves"

At that moment the crowd was filled with hushed whispered as to why the royal family would want anything to do with a small group of Niue as ourselves. The leader, our Alpha, once again raised his hand and hushed the crowd. However there were still a few rebel tongues that continued to speak.

"The King and Queen requested their daughter Princess December Nhoj come to stay with us for a month.I have accepted and so tomorrow Princess December will come to stay with us."

Once again the crowd was filled with noise, except instead of hushed whispers like the previous time. This time it had full questions flying towards our Alpha. Majority of those questions started with the work 'Why'. 

The Alpha this time after raising his hand had to raise another one due to the fact that nobody was paying any attention to only one hand raised. Finally after some time the crowd hushed up and the Alpha cleared his throat to speak once again.

"I understand your confusion as to why he choose us. But instead of asking why, we should be grateful that they choose us. This means that God has favored us and has brought that to the attention of the King and Queen. "

This made everybody happy. Of course. What other way to please a crowd other than brainwashing them into thinking that they were favored in the eyes of God. How foolish. It was foolish yet is pleased the people to the point everybody was waiting for the Alphas next lies with a big grin on their faces.

"Princess December is also praying for a soulmate as you all know she is getting to be of age. I hope that all available males present do your best to woo her and stay on her good side for you may just be her mate."

This was the trust but I knew he was also hiding something else. Something that would be a game changer, I could feel it. The males were all grinning from ear to ear and puffed out their chests to show their dominance.

This had to be the most amusing thing I had ever seen. It was no use to puff out what little muscle they had because the Alpha, once the Princess comes is going to make her pick the three strongest and loyal guys to escort her everywhere. Just like all the other times.

The Alpha grinned at the fact that everybody was eating out of his hands as needed and continued to speak.

"Now the Princess will be here for several days so I will have her choose who she desires to escort her places and keep her safe. Now to the male chosen you will keep her safe for if anything happens to the Princess under your watch you will find a better life running away for if you every come back you will be killed"

That was the end of the meeting I could tell. This is usually how all meetings went. He would stat off big. Tell the advantage and what will happen. Then to end it all off talk about the risks, therefore you cannot deny he told it to you. The meeting was over but nobody left. Nobody was allowed to leave until the Alpha declared us to be dismissed.

I stood up and exited the room I was in. I walked around the house to avoid the courtroom. However I kept a firm ear on the Alpha just in case he said anything that peeked my interest. 

I was in the kitchen eating bread and butter with a cup of milk when the Alpha declared everybody dismissed after talking of nothing but nonsense. 

A group of men my age walked into the kitchen and stared at me as I ate. I could feel their piercing glares.   

"Runt. Were you at the Alpha's meeting?" He told me with words full of spite. I smiled no I chuckled and then grinned but kept my eyes down.

"Is that information truly any of your concern?"

"It is as the future Alpha. If anybody disrespects as well as disobey the current Alpha"

"You believe you are to be the Alpha in the future?"

"Yes I do. Our Alpha has no children so if is only fit that he choose the strongest man in this pack to receive the role"

This was now my time to stare him in the eye. I knew this would be a sign of a challenge and at the moment I simply did not care. I was having a thrill and I wanted to see how long it would last.

"You believe you are the strongest in the pack?"

"Yes I do, Unless you can find somebody in this pack stronger than I, I suggest you close that feminine mouth of yours"

 That comment actually angered me to the point where I walked out. I exited the house but their laughter followed me. I ran all the way into town and went to the house of my father figure blacksmith. I had to let out some energy.

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