Chapter 19

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Aphmau's P.O.V
When I got home Katelyn was watching Once and Kawaii~Chan was making cookies. And apparently all of the guys were their. "Hey!" I said they all turned to face me "I have something important to tell you." they looked at me with confusion.

then I said "Me and Jin..... are a... couple." then their was silence. "WHY JIN~KUN WHY!!" shouted a angry Kawaii~Chan "Look Kawaii~Chan I li-" then I was cut off by a pain on my cheek. I touched it and their was blood. Kawaii~Chan scratched me. She would never scratch anyone not even her friends. "K-Kawaii~Chan?!" I said. "APHMAU~SENPAI BREAK UP WITH JIN~KUN. IT SHOULD BE AARON~KUN!!!" she screamed at me "Why... Why should I!! YOU CANT CONTROL MY LIFE KAWAII~CHAN!!! YOU KNOW WHAT... I AM MOVING OUT!!!"

Then I went to my room and packed up my stuff. I got Celestia's stuff and went downstairs and went out the door and slammed it. Then I went to Jins house.

Adams P.O.V
Their was a knock at the door. I opened it and saw Aphmau with a suitcase and her dog. Then I saw three scratch marks on her cheek. "Can I stay here please?" she asked calmly "Yeah. Theirs a lot of room here you could stay here." I replied "Thanks where's Jin?" she asked "He's at work and what happened to your cheek!?" I asked.

"Kawaii~Chan wanted me to break up with Jin because she ship's me with Aaron. Then she scratched me. So I moved out and came here." she said my rage boiled up no one and I mean NO ONE should do that to Aph. I calmed down and got the first aid kit. I got a couple band aids and put it on her cheek. She hugged me and I hugged her back.

Ross and Barney came in and I told them everything. They were really upset. I told them to calm down so they did. They went up to Aph and hugged her. She was crying... she needed Jin at this time. I called him.

(J= Jin A= Adam)

J= Hey Adam what's up?
A= It's Aph She came over to stay with us for reasons.
J= What's the reason?
A= Apparently Kawaii~Chan got into a fight Aph and she scratched her because she refused to breakup with you. So she moved out and came here to stay with us.
J= I am on my way home right now. Tell Aph to calm down.
A= I will bye Jin
J= Bye

Jin's P.O.V
I got a call from Adam saying that Aph and Kawaii~Chan got into a fight. I got home and saw Aph Celestia on her lap. I went to her she looked up and I hugged her. She was crying hard and I didn't know what else to do.

"Aphmau calm down we are here for you. Alright." I said softly she nodded while crying I saw band aids on her cheek. "Aph you can live here. Considering you have all of your stuff here." I said "A-alright thanks J-Jin." she replied calming down from crying "Your welcome. I love you Aphmau." I said "I love you to Jin." she replied then we heard the guys "JINMAU!!" they all screamed "Excuse me Aphmau I'll go and kill them now." I said "YOU CANT KILL SIR. BUTT BUTT!!" Ross said in his butt knight voice I chased them all while I saw a laughing Aphmau.

Hey Guys and I hope you enjoy this chapter and Kawaii~Chan got pretty upset about her ship huh? Anyways take care guys bye💖💖💖

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