Chapter Eighteen

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(Picture of Theodore, just to remind you what he looks like)

I had been standing outside for the past hour, working on my gift, just seeing how far I could push myself.

Everytime that I had difficulty moving things, I just focused on the advise Lionel had given me on making sure I did not lose the feeling I experienced when I first moved the cell door.

I could tell that my control was getting better, because it seemed that whenever I tried to move something, I was successful.

Gabriel had told me that in this coaliton only two other vampires had gained control of their power so quickly, Annabeth and Henry. He said it showed that when I was very focused my control was better than others, because I didn't let anything distract me.

I looked at the large stone that was rested near the tree and I wanted to do more than make it shift over.

I began blocking out the noises around me, just focusing on the stone in front of me.

The stone began to twitch and I squinted my eyes more, trying to control the power that I felt moving inside of my body.

Everytime I used this gift, I felt a shock travel through my veins and it was exciting and thrilling to feel such a rush.

The stone went flying into the tree trunk and I let out a laugh, more than happy to see that I had accomplished my goal.

I walked over to the trunk and saw that some of the bark had been ripped off from the pressure of the stone.

All I could do was smile; because it was nice to have control over something in my life for once and the more power I had the more it would help in the end.

"You are certainly improving with this" I heard a voice say, making me freeze.

I turned and saw Henry standing there.

How long had he been watching me?

"Hi, Henry" I muttered.

He walked up to me and looked at the trunk "You seem to have quite a power with telekinesis"

I nodded "Yes, I have been practicing every day, since Lionel helped me"

"That is splendid to hear" he responded.

I smoothed out the skirt of my dress "What are you doing out here?"

"I just wanted to see how you were handling things" he answered, facing me "Have you been showing signs of any other gifts?"

"Such as?" I asked.

He shrugged "Well there are many examples; invulnerability, mental manipulation, power absorption, astral projection, things like that"

I looked down, wondering what all he was aware of "As far as I know, there is only telekinesis. If I had anything else show up, I would let Gabriel know"

He nodded "I am just curious when it comes to gifts. I am always looking for ones that are new to our coalition"

"Well I will tell you if anything shows up" I replied.

He smiled "Great to hear. I will leave you be now, so you can continue with your practice"

I nodded "It was nice speaking to you"

"Likewise" he replied, and then left, walking back into the house.

I looked down and picked up the stone, confused by his intentions even more.

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