Chapter Seven || Stuck With Demons

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You slide into consciousness, but keeping your eyes closed, you assess your situation. You hear voices murmuring in the background, somewhere above your head You're laying on soft cushions -probably a couch. The air around you is chilly, but not uncomfortably so. Your arms sting from the cuts you had acquired when you were dragged  through your broken computer. Surprisingly, considering your situation, you were reasonably calm. 

Probably in shock. 

The voices fade, meaning they moved to another room, closing the door behind them.

You peek open an eye, waiting for your vision to clear before opening the other, ultimately deciding no one was there. 

You were lain down on a dark leather, three-seater recliner couch, one of the more expensive brands. There was another one, identical to the one you claim residence of, to your right. It appeared you were in a very nice penthouse. Polished wood flooring, flat screen TV, and fancy light fixtures were just a few hints that money wasn't a problem here. 

Your (e/c) eyes spy several large windows behind you. Near those, sliding glass doors. You immediately jump over the back of the couch and race towards them. You step out into the fresh air. The outside was just as fancy and decorative as the inside. A bar is the first thing in your line of sight, next to the large, crystal blue-watered pool. A few potted plants line along the ledges along with lights embedded into the stone itself. 

The sun was just dipping below the horizon, casting an orang-ish glow over everything. And just as it, it seemed, your heart sank when you realized, you weren't ground level. You could easily see the tops of other nearby buildings, including some skyscrapers. Not thinking, you race to the edge of the stone patio, leaping up onto the three foot ledge and look down. Vertigo hit you like a truck on the highway. The road was like a pencil line on paper, millions of miles below, with tiny colourful ant-sized vehicles. Dizziness washed over you. Groaning, you stumble back onto the patio, holding your head. Not that way, it seemed. You reluctantly walk back into the penthouse apartment, looking for another way out. The living space was still empty as you had left it. 

There was a hallway beyond the kitchen inside, leading off to three doors you assumed belonged to the bedrooms. To the left was two doors, one open and revealing the toilet and the other... The front door.

A way out! Elated, you race towards it, hoping to find it unlocked. You reach out and just as your fingertips brush the knob, your suddenly met eye-to-chest with a black hoodie and red drawstrings. You are knocked back onto your bottom quite ungracefully.

The male was taller than you, and had a very muscular physique. Dark facial hair dots his upper lip, chin, and along his jaw. His features suggest a Korean heritage, as well as darkly tanned skin and a bit of a big nose. His blood red hair was combed off to the side, gently shadowing his black eyes. He looks vaguely familiar. Pupils, as red as his hair, stare at you with an unidentifiable expression. You swallow the lump in your throat. His expression smooths out, then is replaced with a smug smile.  

"Hello, (Y/n)." He says in a deep baritone voice, extending a hand to help you up. You hesitate, then accept it when you noticed his pupils glowing brighter. His hand practically engulfs yours, is much more muscly and surprisingly cold. Icy cold. You fight back a shudder. He grins at you, sensing your discomfort.

"Hey, ANTI! SHE'S AWAKE!" He yells over his shoulder, in the direction of the bedrooms. There's a moment of silence, then a thud is quickly followed by a crash that literally shakes the house, which is then followed by a loud curse. The male lifts a brow, only looking mildly concerned. 

20 seconds later, another male, younger than the first, stumbled out of the second bedroom and into the foyer. Upon seeing you, he straightens sharply, his strangely colored eyes widening slightly. The right eye was green with a blue iris and the left one dark with a blue iris and leaking a weird black liquid.  His electric green hair is spiked in a fohawk. 

His dress reminds you of a punk rocker or perhaps a teenage rebel. He wears a black leather jacket, unzipped, a black spiked dog collar with bright green intricate designs on it, ripped blue jeans and combat boots. 

You cannot even trust yourself to speak at the moment without coughing hysterically or stuttering uncontrollably. Or screaming at them. None of which would help you. 

Silence follows. The blood haired male looks at the other confusedly. "Anti?" The male does not answer, staring at you with an awkward smile. You notice a thin trail of blood trickling from the corner of his mouth and down his chin. 

"Anti?" The blood-haired male grabs the other's shoulders, shaking him violently. At this movement, you eyes blur crazily, giving them a pixelated look for a few moments before they are righted again. The green haired male, Anti, adorns a freaked expression, before shaking it away and shoving the other male away angrily.

"Get off, Dark!" Dark? Anti? What kind of names were those? 

"Well, you weren't exactly responsive." Dark growls, turning away from the younger male. Anti huffs, then turns to you, a fanged smile immediately lighting up his face.

"Hi!" He says, a tint of an Irish accent in his falsetto voice. "I'm Antisepticeye!"

"The Irish idiot here." Dark grumbles. Anti shoots him a glare. "And that's Darkiplier, the brawn, not the brains." 

Darkiplier?! Antisepticeye?! You knew who they were. How did you not immediately recognize them? It was so obvious. Maybe because they weren't real. They weren't supposed to be real... Just a fandom made up by the crazy internet. "Holy... [Shoot}..."  

Dark chuckles, amused. "Hm, it seems that you've finally recognized us." You're rendered speechless. How could this be? They were nothing but fiction! How...? What...?

Oh, we're real alright.

You jump when a deep voice, not your own, speaks to you in your head. Dark chuckles again upon seeing your reaction. You gape at him, knowing now that that was his voice. His voice inside your head. What is this? 

"Wha... What are you?" You stammer, backing up a step. Their expressions turn dark, identical evil smiles dawning on each of their faces. They each take a step forward. Terrified, you freeze, their dark eyes peering into your soul. 

"We," Anti says, in a deeper devilish voice. "Are,"


The Dark Sides And Me (Darkiplier x Antisepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now