6. Instagram

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itsaddiesinger: just landed ;) can't wait to see my boy Gustin who's picking me up, and meet the rest of the cast! #heygrantyoubetterhavecoffeewaitingforme

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itsaddiesinger: just landed ;) can't wait to see my boy Gustin who's picking me up, and meet the rest of the cast! #heygrantyoubetterhavecoffeewaitingforme

598.23 likes, 102,100 comments

Username 😭😻

Username literally can't wait for you and grant to reunite OMG asjdkflfl

grantgust I promise I'll bring you coffee 😂 see you soon!

itsaddiesinger you better xo


grantgust: @ itsaddiesinger I'm coming for ya! And yes, I brought coffee just for you xo

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grantgust: @ itsaddiesinger I'm coming for ya! And yes, I brought coffee just for you xo

225,871 likes, 3,405 comments
Username SO CUTE

Username literally can't wait for season 2 to come out omfggggg


itsaddiesinger your fans really love you 😂

grantgust: and they'll love you too!

tha_los look at you, G! can't wait to film and meet the lovely @ itsaddiesinger

itsaddiesinger @ tha_los can't wait to meet u too! we'll become great friends, I'm sure ;)

tha_los yes yes! I'm sure of it too

grantgust @ tha_los back off she's mine!

username I NOW SHIP THESE TWO @ username


itsaddiesinger @ grantgust I can't make new friends? stopppp you'll always be my best friend ❤️

username OH COME ON ^ I ship this

username ok they better play love interest on season 2 of TF 😭

itsaddiesinger lol ^


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CandiceP just followed you

daniellePbaker just followed you


Addie's *POV*

I clicked out of my Instagram, and sat back and sighed. It was only three in the afternoon, but man was I tired. Grant said he would be here in just a few minutes, and I was excited. We've been friends for the longest, best friends to say, and I couldn't be any more happier to be working with him for the second time.

Normally, I would have someone pick me up and have a private driver drive me places, but I was just too eager to see my best friend. I was just about to text Sebastian, when Grant's name popped up, saying he was here in his car. I quickly texted Seb that I landed safely and I was heading to set.

I began walking with my glasses on, my hoody up, while carrying my bags out of the terminal to meet up with Grant. It didn't take too long for the paparazzi to notice that it was me, Addie Singer, from The Avengers and Captain America. They weren't much of a bother, unless they asked me questions about Seb and I, which I hated. I just needed privacy.

As soon as I saw the infamous Grant smile sitting in his black car, I quickly walked towards him in it, and took a quick picture on my phone. Grant had noticed and threw up a peace sign, causing me to laugh.

"Hey there stranger! You should really help me out with my bags." I laughed, watching Grant exit his car and come rushing to me.

"Addie." He smiled, giving me a huge hug, which I obviously hugged back. "I know I've said it so many times," he spoke, taking my bags and putting them in the back of his car. "I am just so damn excited."

"Oh yeah, me too. It's gonna be weird though!" I shook my head, opening the car door.

"Why?" Grant asked, getting in and starting the car up, and driving off.

"I belong to Marvel, it's just weird playing a character on a DC show." I laughed, grabbing the coffee cup out of the holder and drinking it.

"Well, it makes your job easier then." Grant laughed. "The cast is pretty excited to meet you, too. Especially the girls."

"Well I am too!"


hehe their friendship is so cute. even cuter? their relationship in the future... hopefully...
& follow if ya want to!

get ready for more updates sooooon xo

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