Hide and Seek

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She was not sure when she had dozed off or how long for, but she knew she need to get back to work because this incident whatever it was exactly, put her drastically behind on her duties. It like the Prince knew she was planning on leaving because he squeezed her tighter for a few seconds. Grabbing a nearby pillow that she had been touching as Adele lay particular on the prince. Maneuvering the pillow between them, she managed to loosen his hold on her. As she got out of his arms there was a sense of lose for her, but she allowed herself a few moments to glance at his sleeping form squeezing the pillow she had placed in his arms. She knew that glancing at him in a distant was all she should allow herself. He just seemed to capture her attention every moment she looked upon him.

Leaving the room she picked up the equipment and left. A breeze seems to surround her leg making her freezing. In that moment she squealed in embarrassment at remembering she was only in the Prince's shirt. Jogging in a quiet, but fast manner, she rushed down the servant stairs. Though she could hear the noise of her co-workers moving about their morning routines. Luckily no one was moving about this section of the lower level of the castle. She wondered down a couple more halls getting closer to the noise of the servants moving about until to her left was her destination. The laundry room.

At the moment, the laundry room was empty as all the workers were up collecting sheets and clothes to be watch. Hanging in the back of the room were extra servant uniforms. She quickly grabbed one of the dresses not even bothering to see if it looked like it would fit. With a quick unbuttoning she slid the oversized shirt and put on the servant's gown. Despite the gown being big on her, she realized she would have to make do if she was to try and make it seem like nothing happened. But what about her uniformed. Surely the Prince will notice the uniform though she was fearful if she were to try to get it back she would have another run in with the Prince. Adele knew she could not handle another run in with the Prince because she could not understand his actions and the look in his eyes as he glanced at her were, so, possessive and intense. No, she had convinced herself the Prince was something she definitely could handle.

Adele left the laundry room with the shirt she borrowed from the Prince still in hand. Instinctively, she hid the shirt in the back of a linen closet where she knew no one could find it. For some reason Adele hated the thought of losing his shirt. Maybe it was because it smelled like him, or it was something tangible that what happen this morning was real.

Jasper, one of the veteran servants that had worked in the castle since he was a small child, and had always kept an eye out to help Adele, stopped her as she made her way back to the servant's stairs.

"Where have you been? What happened that you didn't finish building all the fires?"

"Jasper, I didn't know if you will believe me, but I had just finished building a fire in the Prince's room and went to put the hot scented water in the basin when the Prince woke-up. It was weird though his whole attitude towards me was not what you would expect. It was... how would you put it..."

"Did he try to force himself for you or something?"

"No! Well, actually he did a little, but more like it was more like I was an object he didn't want to lose and was convinced I would."

Jasper's eyes widen in shock at my response. Hurriedly almost in a panic he asked if the Prince had said anything specific to me.

"Well he asked me to raise my head, so he could see in to my eyes and then I think he said something like 'mine'. Why what do you do you know Jasper?"

"All I will say is we best get you back to work, but today you need a new job preferably outside the castle walls."

"You are worrying me, Jasper. Is something bad going to happen to me is the Prince angry or something?"

Runaway PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now