Chapter One

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Okay, yeah so I posted this before a couple of nights ago. I was tired and decided not to proofread. Today I was bored so I was looking for like spelling errors and such and realized that I put two chapters in one. So, I have smushed it down to one and added an extra scene or two that help clear up some stuff that's going on. So, ENJOY THE NEW AND IMPROVED VERSION! Please tell your friends about this story! And vote if you liked it! 


"Do I have to go?" Sam whined to his dad, John, as they pulled up to the front gates of Camp Friendship. Cliché name, just like a lot of camps.

(AN: I just don't know what to name it. Names are not my strong suit, especially not lately with my memory problems :/)

"Yes, your brother and you are going to have a good time this summer. I used to come here every summer when I was younger, in fact it's where I meant your mom." Sam groaned because he knew that he was going to have to listen to the story of how his parents meant for the billionth time. It always goes the same; it was the first day of wood shop and she needed help and he helped her. They found out they went to the same school, just different grades and they became high school sweethearts. It's always the same and it never will change.

His mom told it the same way, not like Sam ever heard her though. Dean told him she did since she died in a fire in his nursery when he was six months old.

"Dad, we already know how it goes." Sam's brother, Dean, complained to his father who was in the seat next to him. Dean gave his dad one of his signature smiles to prove his point and his dad stopped talking.

"We're here!" John exclaimed three minutes later. "Boy, do I miss it here."

"I sure won't." Sam mumbled in the back seat. Sam could see Dean's smile at the smart-ass comment in the rearview mirror.

"Yup. Summer camps for chumps." Dean mumbled turning his head back toward Sam so only Sam could hear.

"What boys?" John turned back with such joy on his face that Sam didn't want to break his sprits by speaking his mind or telling him what Dean said. His dad could be a jerk, but Sam didn't want to ruin his day.

"Nothing." Sam got out of the car and grabbed his duffel bag from the trunk along with Dean's. He chucked Dean his small bag and Dean caught it one handed. They continued walking up, well for Sam it was more like dragging his feet agonizingly, to the main office where registration was being held.

"Welcome to Camp Friendship!" A perky lady in a yellow t shirt and jean shorts yelled from atop a table as they entered. They must be a little late since the informational meeting just started. They're not as late as Sam had thought though. "My name is Miss Reynolds but you can call me Pam!"

"Hi Pam!" A group of little girls yelled back to her in the same cheery voice she was using. People that cheery are annoying to Sam. They made him want to punch them in the face.

"Hello campers! So let's begin. I need you guys near the doors to raise your hand if you can hear me." Everybody in the very back raised their hands. "Great! Now, we need to get down the very basics and then you will get your bunk mates. Any questions?" A middle aged man who had three identical daughters, who all seemed about eight with red hair pulled back in braids, sitting in front of him raised his hand. "Yes sir, go right ahead." Everybody's head swiveled to where he was sitting at one of the few chairs.

"How long will this take because I need to get back to work." He timidly asked. She smiled and told him that it was a good question and it would take approximately thirty minutes. Thirty long tortuous minutes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2016 ⏰

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