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"Yes! It'll be fun, I promise!"
Your index finger taps nervously on the back of your cell phone. You have never been camping before, mostly because you and nature don't exactly get along. But your boyfriend Jinyoung wants to take you camping for your one year anniversary.


It's not exactly your first choice for how to celebrate such a special occasion, but the more you think about it, the nicer it sounds. Just the two of you out under the stars, by the campfire, hudled under a blanket while you talk about nothing that's really important. That's exactly the scene he describes for you and you're officially convinced.

"Okay, camping it is then!"

He cheers softly on the other end of the phone and tells you to have everything packed and ready to go by 3PM the next day before wishing you a good night and hanging up. This is the first time you've been this excited about sleeping outdoors. It sounds a little scary, but you trust his instincts. You go to bed, delighted by the thought of getting to spend an entire weekend with Jinyoung. Unfortunately, the weather has other plans.

The loud clasp of thunder and thick rain drops pounding against your window wake you up. The first thing you do is check the time. It looks like it should be four in the morning, but it's already half passed ten and the rain isn't showing any signs of stopping soon. So much for a romantic weekend away.

"I'm so sorry y/n...." he says the moment you answer your cell phone. "I should have checked the weather before making any kinds of plans, I'm really sorry..." he sounds disheartened, and you don't feel too great either but decide not to let him know that.

"it's okay Jinnie, we can go another day" you try to sound the least bit dissapponted that you possibly can to keep him from feeling even worse than he already does. It's not his fault after all. "why don't you come over and we can watch some movies?" There's a short sigh on the other end before he gives in.

"Of course, I'll be there in ten minutes!"
Just as he says, ten minutes later, he's knocking at your door. You open it to see him with a bright smile and a bag full of junk food. Thankfully your roomate is out of town, which means you two can make as big of a mess as you want.

"What do you want to watch first?" You ask but he shakes his head.

" I have a better idea" he announces before taking a few steps closer to you. Pulling out a small bandana, he uses it to blindfold you.

"What? Jin-"

"Shh, just trust me. Sit down and stay right there"

Not that you have much of a choice but you do as he asks. You can hear him messing around behind you but you can't make out what he's doing. Finally after many curious, long minutes he walks over and pulls you up by the hand. "Ready"?

Really for what? You have no idea what's going to happen but you nod anyway, letting yourself trust him fully. He pulls you over a few steps, counts to three and removes the blondfold. You alsmost don't believe what you're seeing at first.

"Oh...my god"

He smiles proudly while you stare at the large fort of blankets standing before you, stuffed with covers and pillows and surrounded by Christmas lights to make it brighter.

"I couldn't take you camping outside but this is the next best thing. Do you like it?"

" I love it...." you can't help but to get a little emotional, which he finds very cute. He tugs you towards the makeshift blanket tent and turns to face you. A soft kiss is placed on your lips and he looks at you with those kind eyes that made you fall for him in the first place.

"I love you y/n. Happy Anniversary "

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