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The creamer to coffee ratio is perfect. Finally. If there is one thing you never mess around with is coffee, or food for that matter. Now that you have made yourself the perfect hot drink, you're ready to continue with your reading. The story is just about to get even more interesting and you have the subtle feeling that someone is going to be killed. Coffee mug in hand, you turn to head back to the couch where your book awaits.

"Jagiya!! Jagiyaaa!"

The sudden outburts from your overly excited boyfriend makes you jump, causing the hot drink to jump out of the mug. It partially lands on the floor and partially on Sunwoo, who is standing just inches from where you are.

"Ah-ah!! Hot! Hot!"

He quickly pulls the shirt away from his skin to keep it from burning any further as you stare in shock. It takes you a good minute to register what just happened.

"Oh my god! Oh, oh no! Sunwoo, I'm so sorry!"

You quickly set aside whatever is left of the coffee and step over the puddle on the floor to help him keep his shirt out of contact with his bare stomach.

"I'm so so so so sorry! Oh god..."

You quickly help him take off the ruined shirt and immediately start looking for something to treat the burn.

"it's ok, don't worry it's not that bad"

But you're too preocupied searching to hear him. You look through every cabinet and drawer to find something, while he patiently cleans the specks of brown liquid off of his skin. He watches you for a good five minutes, smiling to himself at how focused and determined you look.

"Hey" he cups your face softly and manages to get you to calm down. "it's okay, I'm fine. I promise" he steps back to show you the burned area. It's hardly the size of the tip of his thumb, but you still feel awful.

"Okay but...we should still put something on it" you mutter, not wanting to give up. He gives in easily, just to make you happy, and you resume your search. Remembering some of your grandma's house remedies, you grab a bottle of vanilla extract and a small cotton ball before making your way over.

"This will sting a little" you warn before dabbing the burn with the cotton drenched in vanilla. He lets out a hiss, but immediately pretends to be okay.

"D-doesnt sting at all!"

You can't help but smile at his attempt to be brave and finish off before putting the vanilla back in its place. "its to suck out the heat and keep it from blistering" you explain. He looks skeptical, but nods.

"Okay, if you say so"

There's a moment of silence before you lightly smack him on the shoulder.

"Why would you run in here so suddenly like that!"

His face lights up as if he has been reminded of something very important. "because I had a surprise for you!" You blink awkwardly, feeling even more guilty for burning him.

"Oh...what is it"

He smiles brightly and swirls around to reveal some words written across his back.

"I Love Yuo y/n"

You stare silently, not entirely believing what you're seeing.

"Please tell me that's not real...."

He turns around looking very disappointed. "it's henna....why? Don't you like it? I made sure they spelled your name right!"

You immediately wave off the question with a shake of your head. "No, no, its not that! I love it, and my name is right, it's just.... They spelled 'you' wrong" There's a dumbfounded expression written across his face and you can't help but giggle outloud.

"Ahh jjinja...." there's a sigh of frustration and you can see his shoulders drop a bit.

"That's okay!" You take a step closer to him and give him a light peck on the lips "I still love it"

He smiles approvingly and wraps his arms around you for a hug. You take the offer and hug him back as close as you can, completely forgetting about the burn.

"Ow-Ah! Not so close"

"Yikes! Sorry! Sorry!"

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