Chapter 1

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"Hey, vuat are you doing here Italy?" The German blonde asked his brown haired friend who barged into his living room. The blonde was reading his book before he was intruded.

"I just wanted to say hi!" The brunett, Italy greeted with a joyful wave which the blonde bluntly ignored.

"Vell okay ven" He replied not bothering to look up from his book.

"Hey, what are you reading Germany?" Italy asked leaning over his friend's right shoulder.

"Oh um vis?" The blonde, Germany instantaneously closed the book and held it against his broad chest. "It's just a book about Italian culture" he lied, terribly covering the title which read; "Holy Roman Empire".

"Let me see!" Italy whined as he attempted to reach for the book only for it to appear upon a taller leverage. Due to the Italian's shorter height, his reaches were in vain.

"NEIN!" Germany yelled as he moved the book under his shirt, hiding its appearance altogether.

"Aw come on!" Italy frowned, but still attempted to get a clear sight of the book.

"Nein Italy! Nein!" Germany commanded to only fall on death ears.

"It's basically a book about me, so let me see it!" The Italian reasoned.

"Nein Italy!'

"Come onnnnn. Please Germany!"

"Nein!" Germany shouted before sprinting far away from his ally. Italy attempted to chase but due to his flimsy legs, he wasn't able to get far before panting.

"WAIT GEMANY, DON'T RUN AWAY!! I'LL STOP, JUST COME BACK!!!" He started to tear up as he watched the distance between his friend and himself grow, "COME BACK" he called. The blurry black dot stopped and started to grow as Germany neared him, sighing in defeat. "Yay! You still want to be my friend! I was afraid that you didn't anymore..."

"Huh? Vuat are you talking avout? Don't you vemember our vittle promise?" Germany inquired, referring back to the Pact of Steel, a contract to further secure the alliance.

"I know! I just thought you forgot about it.. It makes me so happy that you remembered!" Italy beamed.

"Veliciano..." Germany started, waiting for his ally's attention, "vu seem a vittle off today.." There was a slight pause.

"....I don't know what you're talking about.." His words strayed as he stared up at the flustered blond.

"..mmhm.. Guess it's just me then.." The German murmured.

"Vee~" Italy sang as he span around in circles.

"Agh, vuat am I suppose to do with vu" Germany face palmed.

"Vee~" The Italian idiot stopped short. "Hey, where's Japan?"

"I don't know, probably drawing some anime at his place, best not to disturb him" Germany replied.

"Aww, okay" Italy pouted.

Suddenly the entrance to the living room was thrown open, and appeared a tall albino man. "HELLO IT IS I THE AWESOME PRUSSIA. YOU UN-AWESOME COUNTRIES HAVE JUST BEEN AWESOMELY GREETED BY MY AWESOME PRESENCE, Hey West!" The albino shouted obnoxiously.

"Oh, hi bruhda" Germany nodded in acknowledgment.

"ITALY, WE NEED TO GO. TOMATO BASTARD INVITED HIMSELF OVER AND I NEED YOUR HELP" Italy's twin brother, Romano fumed as he allowed himself into the Weillschmidt residents.

Germany sighed. "Is your bruda talking about Spain again?" He asked, turning toward his Axis ally.

"STAY AWAY FROM MY BROTHER POTATO BASTARD" Romano demanded angrily, pointing his middle finger towards the blonde.

"Oi big brother, don't yell at my friend" Italy told Romano at the same time a "Hey wazzup Romano!" Was said by the ex-country.

"Shut the **** you albino bastard!" Romano cussed as he flipped them off. "C'mon little brother, we're leaving." He dragged his twin away.




"Bye, Germany, Prussia, I need to help my big brother now" Italy waved as he was being slowly dragged out by his collar.

"See you never, stupida bastards" Romano said as he got into his silver car, getting ready to drive off.

"WHY ZU LITTLE STUPID BRAT, AS ZE AWEZOME PRUSSIA, I ZILL STICK MY BOOT SO FAR UP ZOR ASS ZOU'LL BE TASTING BEER FOR A MONTH" The ex-country yelled at the silver dot in the distance."DON'T ZU DARE DRIVE AZAY FROM ME YOU BASTARD" Prussia shouted, he was about to break into a sprint after him but his little brother was ahead of him and held him back.

"Stop it bruda" Germany ordered in which Prussia surprisingly complied to.

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