Chapter 3

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A/N I really suck at finding cliff hangers for chapter ends. Sorry bout that.

"Do you like Spain?"

"N-no! Why would I ever like that bastard!?" Romano covered up his red face in embarrassment.

"You're blushing! And you stuttered!" Italy cooed.

"Well wouldn't you blush when your BROTHER JUST EMBARRASSED YOU. AND DON'T YOU LIKE THAT GERMAN BASTARD!?" Romano retorted.

"So what if I do?" Italy asked cockily, his faced turned the same shade as his twin.

"I actually kinda did not think I'd get that answer" Romano confessed.

"You should just confess to Spain! You've probably liked him for a while now~" he stated.

"Hey Romano, I'm back!" Spain greeted as he came in with a stash of bright red tomatoes in a weaved basket. He placed it on the wooden table.

"Whatever, I'm going to my room" Romano stood up, his face still a burning red as he stormed off towards the direction of his room.

"Oi Romano, what are you-" The door slamming shut cut off Spain. "I thought you'd like these tomatoes I picked for you" He muttered to himself as he stared at the fruit. "Oi Italy, what did you do to Romano?"

"He's just feeling...." Italy trailed off trying to find the right word, "Frustrated"

"Huh? Frustrated with what?"

"You'll have to ask him yourself"

"Mmhm okay"

"Well I'll be going then" Italy said as he skipped towards the exit of the flat. Heading towards the entrance of Germany's house.

"Okay, bye amigos" He waved, lost in thought.

Meanwhile in Romano's room.... How did my little brother see right through me? He question himself as he sat at the edge of his white bed. He closed his eyes, concentrating on his previous actions that led his brother to the truth. Am I really a open-book? He thumped his fist on his thigh in aggravation.

"Oi Romano!" His head snapped towards the door as he watched it fall down. He falls off the bed in shock. "Stop sulking and finish off the pizza, I'm full!" Spain shouted patting his stomach,

"HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF KNOCKING, TOMATO BASTARD???" Romano scolded from the ground.

"Oh uh.." Spain scratched his head, "sorry about that" he apologized, motioning to the wood on the ground. "Oi, what's got you down in the dumps?" He stepped over the door, extending out a hand to Romano.

"Nothing. I don't know what you're talking about" Romano huffed slapping away Spain's hand, standing up himself and dusting himself off.

"That's kinda suspicious you know" He sat on the bed, patting the spot beside him for Romano to sit down. "You know, it's okay, you can talk to me you know" He reassured him. "Hmmmm" He paused putting on a thinking cap. "Maybe it's some girl?"

"Wha-I-um.." The Italian stuttered, not knowing how to finish off the sentence.

"Oh! So it is!" The Spanish grinned as he shoulder nudges Romano playfully. "What does she look like?" His eyebrows wiggled as he stared at the red-faced Italian.

"W-well, I don't want to talk about it" He stammered staring off to the wooden abyss also known as the ground.

"Oh okay, I won't push you. Now how bout you finish off the pizza and have a side of tomatoes freshly picked?"


Spain's hand wrapped around Romano's wrist as he pulled him down the flight of stairs. A large giddily grin spread across his face as he led Romano to the dining room. Little does he know that Romano was 'quietly' blushing as he allowed himself to be led. The Spanish boss scrubbed the dishes as he quietly hummed 'Macarena' and made little dances as he twirled around the kitchen wiping away the flour, and organizing the spices.

"Hey.." The Italian called for the Spanish's attention. "I guess I will talk about the crush.." He finally declared, disliking the awkward silence.

"Oh okay!" Spain smiled as he sat down across from Romano. "Now tell me, what does she look like?"

"Well.. She (lol no) has the nicest shade of brown and these pretty bright green eyes. Out of all her curves, her smile is my favourite (the ass is a close second)" he sighed dreamily as the girl (lol no) appeared in his mind. A surprisingly relaxed smile on his usually stressed face. He placed his chin on his hand which is propelled onto the table as he let out a sigh.

"Sounds like you're in love, amigo" Spain winked.

"You think?"

"Don't think, just know."

"I really want to confess to her but I don't know how to.."

"Well, you could just man up and straight up tell her your love her and what makes her stand out from the rest of the girls."

"But I'm afraid that she won't like me back, I'm kind of a real jerk to her, but that's only because I don't know how to express my feeling all that well"

"Aww" Spain cooed in which Romano returned with a "Shut the hell up". "Here, you can practice on me" Spain stood up and raised on leg onto the chair he was previously sitting on. He ran his hand through his cocoa hair and posed, sending a wink towards Romano.

"What the **** Tomato bastard!"

"Just do it"

"Fine" Romano huffed, he took in a deep breath as he composed himself. This could be my chance.

"Go on" Spain urged as he kept his girly posture in check.

"CAN YOU LIKE NOT DO THAT" Romano scolded. In response he got an apologetic glance before Spain stood in a plain posture. The sexual tension was strong in the atmosphere as Romano searched for the right words to use, while Spain stared, a creepy grin on his face. "S-so, I-um" He started, stuttering with every word. "Do-do you- um..." He seemed lost at words as he avoided eye contact with Spain.

"Screw it" He muttered, he looked Spain dead in the eyes and spilled his feelings out. "I really ****ing like you, and um- you're basically always on my mind, and everything about you is ****ing perfect. You're always nice to be even though I'm being a complete jerk to you, and I guess I really ****ing admire it." He stopped to catch his breath before he continued. "And your smile, it makes me want to smile too even though I really ****ing hate it, and just every ****ing thing about you is ****ing perfect."

"There we go!" Spain cheered as he slapped Romano's shoulder. "Good job, now say it to her now, I think what you said was perfect! minus all the swearing that is"

"I already told her" Romano stated avoiding eye contact altogether,

"Wait, what?" He asked shell shocked.

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