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I have been tagged by the lovely KanekiKen614


Rule#1: You MUST post all of the rules

Rule#2: You MUST tag at least 13 people

Rule#3: You MUST have 13 facts about yourself

Rule#4: You MUST answer all of the questions

Rule#5: You MUST have the 13 for the people you tagged to answer

Rule#6: You CAN NOT say you dont like tags

Rule#7: Tag backs ARE allowed

Rule#8: BE CREATIVE on the title of the chapter

Rule#9: You MUST write this within a week

Rule#10: This MUST be written in a story NOT in the comments

1.) My favorite anime at the moment is Haikyuu I admire Shouyou so much^^

2.) My anime husband would be Yukihira Souma and my anime Wife would be Konata Izumi

3.) Dog-Like animal? ummm an Alaskan Husky

4.) Cat-Like animal? Tigger!!!!!

5.) I would be a Fox Yokai!!! :)

6.) I own a guinea pig named Oreo

7.) I want to be a professional dancer

8.) I'm bisexual so that's a pretty obvious question

9.) I'm as single as a pringle ;P

10.) My Favorite time of the day is lunch time :D

12.) I dance and watch anime cause i have no life

13.) I would give you a giant hug because you right the best Tokyo Ghoul Fanfics ever

I Tagged people but i'm not gonna ask any questions I just want 13 facts about yourself











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