Excalibur Face Where You'd Least Expect it

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I've been tagged by the lovely 2ManyReferences


Mus- Fuck this I hate rules let's just get to the facts about Moi😉

Fact 1: I am an Omnisexual Female I Prefer to be Male most times and likes to be referred as male.

Fact 2: I am not a very talkitive person so i'd rather stay to myself most of the time but I don't mind if someone approaches me directly.... I've the internet😐

Fact 3: I'm very straightforward and Perverted.

Fact 4: I'm very quiet but I go of like a bomb if my family is involved

Fact 5: I solve most things with violence but I love to comfort mentally distraught people, that's why I draw the most emotional people as friends.

Fact 6: I'm on Imvu most of my time and trying to find friends because I can't make them in real life.

Fact 7: People get uncomfortable around me because of my sexual orientation and often don't approach me because they cannot tell which gender I am.

Fact 8: I've had a couple of relationships mostly male partners and I had my first girlfriend when I was 13 (I'm turning 16 this year)

Fact 9: I curse a lot so don't be offended when I accidentally cuss whilst in a deep conversation with you.

Fact 10: I've started books with a good idea at the tip of my tongue but I can never put it into writing so it takes me longer to update my books.

Fact 11: I try to make pretty book cover but I'm no good without my laptop, (It stopped working again) and I'm shit at editing (Copy&Paste it Bitchezz)

Fact 12: My favorite Color is Green and my least favorite is neon yellow (doesn't go with my skin tone)

Fact 13: I mostly write anime fanfiction because that's the only thing I'm interested in and I rarely watch T.v. shows that come on. I Love Glee, I'm working on watching TVD and Teen Wolf though.

Bonus Facts:

I've read far more books than the weeks that I've been alive (again... I'm almost 16) I also love reading romance/Supernatural/fantasy books like Twilight & The Mortal Instruments

I read all of the Harry Potter series when I was in second grade.👀

When I was in third grade I had to get stitches beside my left brow because I bust my face open playing on the Jungle Gym.😷

When any of my younger siblings get hurt I panic more than the do at that very moment [I remember when my sister was boiling eggs on the stove the water fell on her and she had second degree burns to her arm and I screamed and cried while she sat there stunned not making noise or panicking]😲

There was a time that my mom had to hold me back from beating a bitches ass in the middle of the grocery store because the whore had the nerve to catch a attitude with my mom and asked her "What are you lookin' at" with a stank look on her face while my mom was staring at the fruit behind the hoe lets just say I was pissed🙅

I Also had my tonsils took out in third grade so I had a awful year full of icecream and hospital visits

I got my top wisdom teeth took out November 2016 and (Me being scared of needles) cried because of the numbing medicine that was in a syringe and they stabbed it right into The top of my mouth. My mom babied me until my gum sockets closed up (ik ew but that was the only thing I could think of calling them [gum sockets])



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