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The mist engulfed their bodies. When it cleared they were gone, disappearing without a sound. Not a single word spilled over their dry lips, not a single step is heard against the tarmac. They tread lightly, almost floating, pure black eyes glinting wildly in the moonlight.
Alive yet so dead...

And they are gone.
In their place in the shadows stands two normal teenagers.
Normal but for the long fangs that slide slowly back into their jaw.
Normal but for the black eyes that cloud over and fade into an icy blue.

Eyes which dart from house to house.
They have been here before.
Roaming the streets in the dead of night.
Roaming the nightmares of the sleeping.
Truly the walking dead.

They are hunting.
For her.

Ahh guys we have readed 160 reads!!.
Thankyou all sooo much - it means alot.
Please let me know what you think so far!!
Sorry this chapter is short - but I'm being visited by a friend.
His name is Writers Block.
<3 - Katie

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