Midnight Visitor

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I turned the key in the lock, listening as the bolts clicked noisily back into place. With my back to the closed door, I turned, the smell of the crisp night air filling my nostrils. Above, the ink black sky was speckled with stars, and yellow light from the full moon cast strange shadows upon the pavement. I pulled my woollen jacket tighter around me as a cold wind began to blow through the trees. Shivering, I put one boot in front of the other and began to walk down the footpath towards the end of the street.

I turned into his driveway, and made my way slowly up to the doorway.
This is creepy Treah, would he want you showing up at his door at 12 in the morning? I thought.
"Probably not" I muttered under my breath "But here goes."
My white knuckles knocked against the wooden door.
Shuffling was heard inside, and a few seconds later the door was opened by a very tired looking Troy, leaning against the door and wiping sleep out of his eyes.
His eyes widened when he saw me standing there.
"Treah?" His voice sounded low and was laced with exhaustion.
"What are you doing here at this time of the night??"
I took a deep breath before replying.
" I'm really sorry about the other day, and for confusing you. But I need your help"
" Look, he said "I barely even know you - I literally met you on the street the other day, I tried to be nice to you and you denied me. Then you turn up at my door in the middle of the night expecting me to help you??"
I stood frozen for a moment, shocked.
"I'm so so sorry for that" I said taking a deep breath, "Please forgive me for coming here at such a late hour - but it's really important that I get your help.
"Why me?" He asked.
" Because they are after her - after Jess." I replied, staring deep into his eyes.
" Who is they?" Troy muttered, a look of confusion on his pale face.
Glancing around quickly I said "They are the Pale Ones..."

So many twists coming up...
Hey guys - sorry there hasn't been an update in a while. Been really busy but will try harder to update more frequently.
Thanks for almost 100 reads (that blows my mind a bit)
Try to guess what will happen next...

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