Chapter 33

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That night we order takeout and spend the night at the clubhouse in Rykers room. I have changed into one of Rykers t shirts which hans just above my knees and he is in track pants with no shirt on.

We are sitting on his bed eating thai food and talking. For what it is its pretty special. I think I'm starting to fall for this guy.

"So" I say

"So what?" He replies

"Are you going to tell me how old you are?"

He immediately freezes.

" I told you Im 23.. Just like you" he says with a smirk on his face

"Yeah right and I'm the Virgin Mary" I say as I rubbing my full stomach which has a somewhat noticeable bump at that moment. 

"haha" he laughs as his throws his head back

"But seriously... Im 23, I can take it just tell me how old you are. I mean its not like your 50 right?"

"fine" he says in a huff "Im 24"

He seems relived but is he telling me the truth? For some reason I still don't believe what he is telling me

"Ok" I say slightly suspicious 

"Anyway Angel I have something to tell you"

"Tell away Ace" I say as I sit up and cross my legs

"Im going to be out of town for a few days... its just business"

"Ok" I say and keep eating my Nasi Goring

"I'll be as quick as I can but if anything happens call me Angel and I'll be back ok?"

He seems worried

"No worries Ace.... I can handle myself for a few days"

"Just promise me"

"I promise" I say as I lean over and kiss him

He kisses me back with passion and I feel as he grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him.

I open my eyes and I see Ryker picking up the food of the bed and putting it on his desk.

He immediately comes back to the bed and pulls me on top of him. He kisses me with fever and in-between kisses he whispers "I'm going to miss you AngeL"

"Me too" I say as our lips keep dancing with one another

I feel Ryker hardening under me and immediately my body rises 15 degrees and I feel flushed. He gently pushes me onto my back and hovers above me

"Are you sure you want this Savannah" He only uses my name when he's serious. I can't even respond I just nod my head.

"You have to tell me what you want Angel" He says with a smirk on his face

In a heated breath the only words i can get our are "You" he kisses along my neck and whispers in my ear "What to do you want me to do?" Again I can only manage one word "me"

He lets out a loud laugh and props up onto his elbows.

I don't know what to think so I just stair at him blankly

"You have a way with words Angel... even if there only one syllable " He says as he places a kiss on my belly.

He pulls me up and then stands up himself.

"Do you want to shower?" he asks

I nod and he pulls me into the bathroom with him. I don't know why I am so nervous I mean its not like we haven't had sex before. Hello thats how I got into this situation in the first place.

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