Chapter 16

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Ive been standing outside of the compound for what feels like 10 minutes

Another young guy with a leather vest walks over

Bandana guy says to him " She's after Rylker"

He nods and walks away. What the fuck is wrong with these people? Why are they talking in code and why is no one giving me a straight answer. Men!

A few minutes later I can see Ryker walking towards the front of the compound

"Savannah" he says " What are you doing here?"

I can't look at him. I stare at the keys in my hands and say "I need to talk to you Ryker... privately"

"No problems" he says " lets go to my room"

Ryker grabs my hand and leads the way

"So what do you need Angel?"

I look directly into his eyes I don't know how to tell him so I just  blurt it out "I... umm I'm pregnant"

He looks shocked "and its mine?" He questions

"You fucking asshole" I retort "Of course it yours.... your the only person I've been with in the last year"

"Wow" he says "Are you serious... a whole year"

I look down at my shoes embarrassed. "yes" I say " I was having a dry spell ok!"

"By the way did you not think to use a condom" I shout as I glare at him

"I did Angel but the second time we did it it broke and after that I didn't really see the point" he say completely honestly

"Didn't see the point" I throw my hands up in the air " You've got to be fucking kidding me"

"Watch your mouth Angel" He say warningly

"Did you see the point now" I say as I lift my shirt to reveal my ever so slightly swollen belly

He rubs his hands through his hair

"Are you sure" he says

"Of course Im sure" I say in a rather annoyed tone. Is this guy for real?

"9 pregnancy tests and a trip to the doctors sure"

"So you have one of those picture things" he asks

"Not yet" I say " I have an appointment with the OBGYN this Friday. She'll tell me how far along I am and do an ultrasound" 

Ryker doesn't say anything he just nods

"look" I say rather firmly " I know this is a shock but I don't want anything from you. I just thought that you had the right to know that you're going to be a father"

"What is that supposed to mean Savannah"

I shy away a little bit.

"I'm just saying we don't know each other and we were only together once"

Ryker coughs "uhhmm 4 times to be precise " he says

"yeah well I don't even remember once" I say

He glides toward me and wraps his arm around me waist. He presses his lips close to me ear " We can remedy that right now Angel"

Holy fuck... this guys is a sex god. No Savannah, don't. I whip myself back to reality. I push his hands from my hips and scribble my number down on a piece of paper.

"Heres my number Ryker. Think about it and give me a call if you want to be involved. No pressure"

He looks stunned. I walk myself out and drive home to tell Ray how everything went. I honestly don't even know how to summarise the events myself. 

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