Park Jimin's Family...(umm..the weird and cute family!)

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There was a little child in a car screaming by herself

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There was a little child in a car screaming by herself. She had really dark hair and a really pale skin which stand out more than the red, orange light coming from outside the car's windows. The house beside the car was ingulfed in flames soon the car will be the fire's next victim. The tall tree between the house and car was in fire and was falling, and its leaves caught with fire was scattered. As it was falling a man came to the child's rescue that was trapped in the car. He broke the car's window and helped the child to get out. The child was crying heavily but then soon passed out.

Crrriiiiingggg!! Criiinnnnnngggg!! Crrrriiiinggggg! Crriii....the loud sound then stopped because an annoyed girl in the...6:30 in the morning got up. She furrowed her eyebrows as to recall the dream that she had before waking up but unfortunately she can't remember it. She than covered herself with her long blanket again to continue sleeping, but a loud booming voice that came downstairs from her bedroom and yelled, "YAAAAAAAHHHH!! GET UP NOW JAMIE! AND THE IDIOTIC TRIPLETS!! GET DOWN AND EAT!!", she was really irritated, enough to let her jump from her window and go to her neighbor's house to sleep peacefully again. But she got up from her sweet, alluring bed and shaked her head for her to not be half-asleep.

"SIIIIIIIIGHHHHHHH" a really big sigh came out of a petite girl with white sugar skin early in the morning. As Jamie was heading for the bathroom to flush out all of her worries and stress and start her day refreshingly, a tall guy with bed hair and carrying his towel intentionally blocked her way to the bathroom door. As Jamie being so irritated and annoyed from the first thing in the morning pulled him back from inside the bathroom and silently said to him, "Taehyung oppa, i think that you missed out someone over here", she grinned with an evil aura and continued, "Would you kindly move over  because I, the one who owns this bathroom 'cause it's in my room, need to use it first obviously!" Taehyung being scared for being beaten up if he disobeyed her even though he is younger for two years moved out from the bathroom and tiptoed to the scary paled devil room's door and went outside quietly. He sighed and scratched his head while looking towards the locked door of the she-devil and murmured, "I WISH THE WATER WOULD STOP WORKING." But he was replied with, "I HEARD THAT!" because Jamie hasn't started bathing as she was finding clothes for her to wear after bathing and coincidentally hear what her oppa murmured. Taehyung who flinched because of the thought of being plumped to his death ran out and said while gasping for air, "Why is she irritated so much today?!"

Jamie's POV:


I thought while scrubbing myself with soap, "Today is gonna be so much like a worse day for me. Why did I have to dream about that stupid dream. It makes me so sad, anxious and so...curious. What was that all about." While having this thoughts that had me so depressed, I turned the faucet tight to close it off and stepped out the bathroom and wiped myself with my towel.

I finished bathing and started to get dressed but suddenly Jimin oppa swang the door open and slamming it to the wall pretty loud and hard. I was confused and startled for what just happened but then I realized that I was only wearing my towel. I looked into myself and to Jimin oppa who paused his whole body while his mouth was wide open and looked to myself again, I was embarrassed but that didn't stop me to yell at him and complained to him, "JIMIN OPPA YOU KNOW BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE THAT YOU HAVE TO KNOCK BEFORE ENTERING SOMEONE'S ROOM! ESPECIALLY A GIRL YOU IDIOT!!" I threw a pillow right in front of his face and continued yelling at him, "LOOK AT THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION YOU IDIOT! I'M CHANGING HERE!" He regained his composure and turned around and said, "I'M SO SORRY JAMIE...I THOUGHT YOU WERE DONE CHANGING.." He lowered his head to make me see that he is really sorry but being the victim here I yelled at him and said, "WELL, I'M NOT! SO YOU BETTER HAVE AN EXPLANATION ON WHY YOU BARGED INTO MY ROOM SO SUDDENLY!!" He apologized again and slowly turned his head. I sighed seeing how sorry and flustered oppa was so I mellowed my words and said, "I'm done changing now oppa, you can face me now." He faced me while staring straight into my face, having the same names, Park Jimin was both our names we were super close to each other, but this really got my heart skip a beat cause his hair was wet and having a built body he was really attractive...(well...cause his my brother...genes..kkk..sorry..) I coughed and brought myself back to reality and said while crossing my arms, "So did you have BUSINESS with ME O-P-P-A?" I was expecting a really serious answer based on how he acted before but what i got was only, "OH! RIGHT..ummm..Jin hyung wants you to hurry it up or you'll be late at school. He was really mad that he didn't pack us a lunch box." (YUP, THIS WAS THE ONLY REASON....THIS WAS REALLY GOING TO BE ONE OF MY WORST DAYS...) Pinching my cheeks to not get more mad and irritated, I softly said to him, "Okay oppa, I'll be right there in a sec. Please tell that to Jin oppa also. I'll just get my bag and then I'll be right down." I went near oppa and shooed him away from my room but being my oppa he asked me something so serious,...(really this oppa is so..."sigh")  "Are you  okay Jamie? Taehyung said that you were so irritated so much." Me being me sarcastically thought, "Well, if it weren't for that dream plus you guys..I would be sooooo MUCH FINE!"  But I just said while pushing him out in the room and for him not to worry that much, "I'm fine oppa, just go downstairs and eat now. Thank you for worrying about me! Bye!" I wanted him to go down immediately but he patted my head and laughed with his most charming smile and said, "Just tell me about your worries and problems and I'll help you 'cause you have me and us!" I paused a bit for being glad and thankful that I have a brother like him and then continued shoving him out of the room. "JUST EAT NOW OR YOU'LL GET SCOLDED BY JIN HYUNG ALSO!", I said while he was walking down the stairs.

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