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"Charlie?" I gasped as I walked into the bedroom I shared with my fiancée, to find him under the sheets, and from what I could tell from where I stood, he was naked.

I frowned in confusion, until another wriggling figure under the sheets made their existence obvious.

"L-Lucy! Hey, baby! You're home!" he laughed nervously. "W-was just, uh. . ."

I pointed to the spot next to him. "Who is that?" I asked calmly.

Charlie opened his mouth, hesitated, then turned to the bump in the sheets who was now poking their head out of the covers.

"Fuck. . ." Charlie breathed as a small, sheepish blonde lady peered over the sheet, just revealing her eyes just enough for us to both see each other.

"I-I'm sorry, I-" she started, but I held my hand out and laughed.

"Babe," I seethed. "Where the fuck do you think I am when I say I'm working?"

Charlie frowned, confused. ". . .Working?"

"Yes, but where do you think I work?"

Charlie straightened up in the bed. I was going to have to burn these sheets. Hopefully I could do that with them inside of them still. "Err. . . Don't you work at the FIB building as an assistant?"

I laughed. "No. So I guess we both had secrets, you're just so disrespectful with yours that you had to bring your mistress to our home and inside of our bed and fuck her right here. I feel as if you knew you'd get caught and wouldn't have cared anyways. Because fuck my feelings, right?"

Charlie started to rub his face. The woman next to him scrambled out of the bed, and started to pull clothes on herself. Her face was beet red, and she was obviously embarrassed. Charlie held out a hand to stop her. "Judy, no! Please."

Judy turned to look at him. "Don't drag me into this drama, Charlie."

I held the door open for her. "Leave before I change my fuckin' mind and run you over with my car."

She looked at me, horrified, her brown eyes large and shocked as she scurried out of the room. I started to laugh, I folded my arms and looked at Charlie. He was helplessly sitting in the white sheets, completely nude and caught red handed.

"This is what happens, when I get with a pathetic CFO. A plain as vanilla, corporate, rich scumbag. But thank you for letting me know this way, this is great!" I laughed. "Now, I can think of ways to get back at you." I spoke.

Charlie started laughing now, shaking his head. "You couldn't hurt me, baby."

I snickered, taking a fireplace stick and poking it in the fire, heating it up. "Oh, oh, I can, 'baby,' I can." I yanked out the hot piece of iron and strode to his place in the bed, forcefully flipped him over with one arm, and pressed the searing iron on his ass, branding him.

He screamed, trying to scramble away but I kept the brand on him as he moved, making sure it was even more painful for him as he attempted to escape.

I laughed, and put the prodder back with the fireplace. "Get the fuck out of my house. And watch your back. Call the cops, and I'll have you barbequed in this here fireplace. Got it?" I growled. "Get the fuck out!"

He scrambled to find clothes as tears ran down his face, he was shaking in fear. Pathetic. How a man like that ever impressed me was beyond me.

He put on his boxers and hissed at the contact to his skin, then grabbed his suit off the floor. He started to make towards the closet to get a suitcase, but I walked in front of it and stopped him. "No, I'll get your clothes to you later, scumbag. Just get out. Now."

"Y-You're insane," he whimpered as he started to run out of the house now. I snickered.

"Oh, 'baby,' you don't know the half of it."


I woke up, curled against a figure who was holding me by my waist. I tried to wriggle free, but he had a very tight grip on me.

I dreamt of my ex fiancée. Something that never usually happened, but that bitch had cheated on me with another woman, and left me for her.

I mean, I did brand his ass, but I knew he was going to leave me for her before he could even let me know he was.

We had to cancel all the wedding plans, and he had to explain to his family what happened, but I took the liberty of telling them.

I turned to see Trevor's sleeping face. He looked innocent in this moment of slumber, causing my heart to skip a beat.

This here was my type of man.

I smiled and slunk back into him, enjoying the feel of his bare chest against my back, until his phone started to go off. I scrambled when I realized Michael was calling.

Trevor woke up by my jittery movements, sitting up and groaning. "Who the fuck is calling?"

"Michael!" I spoke. "Look, don't tell him about us just yet, okay? Just . . . Answer the phone, say that the line at the store is huge and, er. . . . They have to order a bunch of shit." I threw the phone at him, and he caught it.

He answered the phone now, groaning into it. "Mikey, what? . . . No, we haven't been gone too long, we're at the store. . . Yeah, we fucking are, Mikey don't you tell me that isn't true! You're not here right now, you don't know how long it takes to build things yourself Mr. I-Have-Money-And-A-Mansion! . . . Okay, fine! . . . " he hung up. I let out a long breath of air and lay back down next to him. "So why can't he know?"

I ran my fingers along his cheek. "I don't want to make him or Franklin uncomfortable with this, we have to keep strictly business around them or it'll be harder to work together, at least for now. I don't want to deal with judgmental Michael just yet."

He sighed. "Fine, your wish is my command." He lay back down on the bed, groaning. "You're not ashamed of me, are you?"

I giggled, pushing him onto his back and crawling onto his stomach. I propped myself up with my elbows and looked down at him. "That's a silly question. No."

He was watching me with a curious expression now as I kissed his chin, and snuggled closer to him.

"You should get back, I'll stay here with all the shit we supposedly got, or ordered, or whatever we said." I waved my hand in the air dismissively. He sat up and peeled me off of his chest, but flipped me onto my back so he could place a kiss on my lips before he stood up from the bed.

"Sure you don't wanna come, princess?"

I smiled, eyes on him. "I'm still exhausted. I don't want to move."

He started to clothe himself now, examining my body from where he stood. He let out a low growl. "I may just come back when Michael's asleep."

I grinned, my hand sliding up the side of the bed he was just laying on. "I'll save your spot."

He grinned before he turned and left my bedroom. I heard the front door open, and close, clutching the sheets closer to me as I fell into a deep sleep. 

Insanity x2 (A Trevor Philips Story)Where stories live. Discover now