21: Him versus Them

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My parents looked very disappointed. I squinted my eyes as my father let out a sigh.

"This is your boyfriend? He looks like a drug addict."

"I'm sorry, what?" I snapped. "First of all, you both were drug addicts up until what, a few years ago? And second of all, what did you expect, for me to marry some normal, average joe?"

Trevor looked taken back, he did just get verbally dissed. Basically slapped in the face. I walked over to him and took his hand. "Trevor's my boyfriend, and if you can't handle him, you can leave. I'd choose him over you any fuckin' day."

My father seemed to get flustered by this. "W-wait, fine, fine, it's okay if he does drugs, but. . . But how old is he?"

"I don't fucking know!" I laughed, turning to look at Trevor. "How old are you?"


"Fourty-eight!" I threw my hands up in the air.

"Lucy, he is fourteen years older than you! Even we are closer to his age than you are!" My mother spoke, standing up.

"Do you think I cared how old he was?" I questioned. "Because if I turned down the best thing that has ever fucking happened to me, because he was fourty-eight, then I wouldn't have much to be happy about, now would I? You guys fucked me up so much I never wanted to meet anyone and trust them, but I met Trevor, and I love him, and he's sweet, and he will fucking kill anyone who lays a finger on me," I growled. "He is loyal, and he is sweet to me, and that's all I need."

"Wait, woah, the best thing that's ever happened to you?" Trevor questioned, opening his mouth to speak finally.

I turned to meet his eyes, I smiled. "Of course you are."

"We're just upset because of how the grandchildren will turn out, we just, we want to be able to be there to watch your kids grow up, and make up for how you grew up," my mother was in tears. I rolled my eyes.

"Who said Trevor and I were having children? We both own cartels, we're both wanted criminals, we have a lot of enemies. And, even if we did have kids, what makes you think I'd let you anywhere near them?"

"Yeah, fuck you guys!" Trevor spoke angrily.

"We've never even spoken about children and here you are demanding this future for me. If you wanted a future for me this bad, you could have molded me to be a better fucking person!" I angrily spoke. "I lost all care for the law when I needed to steal, just to eat, just to buy shoes that fit me as I grew up. I lost all care for you both when your brother," I pointed to my father. "and his wife, took me in, and became the best fuckin' guardians I could've ever asked for." I didn't notice it, but I had started crying. Trevor calmed down to reach over to grab my face gently, wiping the tears from my cheeks and eyes with his thumbs. I stopped yelling, we all did, I let out a small whimper.

Trevor grabbed me and roughly yanked me into his chest, where I buried my face in his chest. I was falling apart, he knew it.

"Maybe if you both gave a shit about Lucy, you'd shut the fuck up, hm?" Trevor spoke, his voice wavering. He was about to lose control, and last time he did that, a lot of people ended up dead.

I heard no response from them for a few minutes as Trevor held me. His grip tightened when I heard one of them shift awkwardly.

"Well, if she loves you, and she's happy—"

"Oh, trust me, she is really fucking happy with me."

"Okay, then that's okay with us."

"I don't need your validation, and neither does she," Trevor snapped. "Maybe you should leave."

"I don't—"

"He said, 'maybe you should leave', maybe you should listen," I spoke, grabbing a gun from his pocket and holding it at them.

My mother hid behind my father, who was tense at the sight of my weapon. "Okay, okay, let's start over, can we do that?"

"I don't think you both can repair what you did. I gave you a second chance, and you blew it. No such things as third chances with me," I walked to the door and held it open. "Goodbye."

I watched as they scurried out the door, I slammed it shut and turned to Trevor. He looked me in the eyes, pulling me close, silently holding me as I sobbed.

I hadn't cried in years, maybe even decades, and I was pretty sure last time I cried at all was because of the abuse they put me through when I was a little girl.

How do you forgive someone who wrongs you so bad, they've fucked you up for life?

You can't.

I started to go limp in Trevor's arms as I started sliding out of his hold, he reached down and grabbed me below my ass to lift me up into his arms, holding me bridal style, kissing me on the lips. He walked me into the bedroom, placing me on the bed, taking his gun back from my grip, and into his pocket, safety on.

He was about to leave me to sleep, as I had curled up into a ball with my head on the pillow and the blankets in between my legs and in my arms, but I reached out quickly and grabbed his arm. "Stay."

He scoffed. "I have to go yell at the young whippersnappers on the street because I'm so fucking old."

I blinked for a moment before I smirked. "Come on, you're not old."

"Am I really not?" he questioned, pointing at himself. "I mean, look at me, with a thirty-four-year-old. I never even date younger women, but here I am, robbing the cradle, apparently. I mean, I'm so old your parents coulda hired me as your babysitter."

I snickered. "Woulda been pretty hard, calling up a young Canadian to come all the way out there to watch lil' ol' me. Come on, baby," I winked. "You sure as hell don't have sex like an old man, that's for fuckin' sure, you animal, you. Now come here, I wasn't lying when I said you were the greatest thing that's ever happened to me. I don't care how old you are. I don't care what you do for a living. I don't care how many drugs you're on, or how many you take, as long as you don't kill yourself. Now come here and hold me."

He stared at me for a few minutes before he got into bed next to me, pulling me into his arms. "Better not fuck like an old man."

I giggled. "No, you're a high-class stud, that's for sure."

"So good you could pay me."

"That's for sure," I spoke, "Now shut up and hold me."

I was quiet for a moment, my eyes stayed closed until a thought occurred to me, causing me to fly out of bed.

"What now?" He groaned.

"The lasagna!" I gasped. "Did you hear it ding?"

"No?" he questioned, confused. "Who cares? Go to sleep."

I rushed to the kitchen, finding the timer had ten seconds left as the lasagna was ready to finish cooking, I took a sigh of relief before taking it out of the oven and placing it onto the counter. I was going to allow it to cool before I packed it back in the fridge, not like him and I would eat it until after our nap, anyways.

I crawled back into bed with him, him pulling me closer once more.

I closed my eyes and sighed softly as he placed a rough kiss on my head before he fell silent, falling asleep with me.

Insanity x2 (A Trevor Philips Story)Where stories live. Discover now