I moved back to the house where my mother banded me to never come back from.
I couldn't just leave without saying goodbye but when I came back it wasn't right after the hateful night it was many years later. The box my mother had given me contained the deed to the house so legally the house belonged to me.
(Why would she give me the deed to the house if she never wanted me to come back?)
I knew this was a question I may never get answer to but still I couldn't help wonder to myself. I'm 126 years old with the looks and features of a 17 teen year old. I was stuck and curse at this horrible fait. The terrible nightmare my parent once haunted was the same fate I ended up living. I guess its KARMA's way into paying them back.
School started in a week around here and in order to blend in a had to go.
(I mean what would you do if you were going to be 17teen years old all your life.)
Being in a mansion without a mother or father would totally draw suspicion to where I come from and how am I able to live here alone.
.: Week Later:.
First day of school and I arrived early in a custom made Volvo XC60. Apparently the cars a hot topic cause of Twilight and all.
(I hate it when society is stuck in a fantasy world in which I am forced to live in)
I 'm a vampire I do not sparkle but I am pail. I got out of the car, locked the door, and proceeded inside the school. I step into the door with all pulps on me.
[Gosh] They act like they had just seen a Ghost. I walked past the annoying jocks, jealous cheerleader, dorks, and dweebs. There was no reason to go to my locker because I had no hard time carrying my books like the humans did. If I wanted to I could've picked these books up with a pinky but being that I had to blend in that would totally being on suspicion. =]
I got to my first class and sat in an empty seat next to the window. A guy next to me turned to introduce himself to me.
(As if I asked for that)
"Hi my names Jake it's nice to meet you Umm..."
"...Aurora! It's Aurora but you can call me Dawn".
"Well Dawn Do you have a last name?"
(Why was he being so nosy?)
"I don't have one"! I admit I caught an attitude but it really wasn't any of his business. An I just met the guy; I guess I'm not a people's person with small talk and all.
"Ahmm"! The teacher caught our attention so that we could pay attention to class.
"Would you like to come up here and teach the class yourself Jake or maybe you would like to Aurora"?
"Actually sir it's Dawn and know thank you". I really did mean it with all intentions to be considerate
"Excuse me young lady for disturbing your conversation please... please continue". He said being sarcastic but pleading at the same time
"Actually I was just finishing up with Jake here but thank you anyway for your consideration ".
There was a wired feeling that over whelm me so I sculpt the class to find Jake along with everyone else was looking directly at me now with eyes of disbelief.
"All rights that's it young lady to the principle office with you".
He excuses me out of his classroom and told me to go to the principle office. I grabbed my books this time with frustration and headed for the door. Before I left he asked the class would anyone else like to join me but no one volunteered. On my way down the hallway there was a familiar voice that alerted me I was going the wrong way.
"Jake". I turned to see him standing right behind me
"You know Dawn you don't seem to be from around here"?
"You would be surprised" I said it so low it almost sounded like a was talking to myself.
"Excuse me". He corrected
"Nothing look are you going to tell me where to go or not"!
"Sure right this way".
He reached to grab my books.
"SHIT!" he yanked back and dropped my books. Reflexes caught him off guard; before the books could hit the floor I had all ready caught them.
"Thanks he said"
"Yeah well no one told you to grab them in the first place"
My nose picked up a scent that was coming from Jake.
"Jake are you hurt"?
Jake turned his finger to find a pinch of blood dripping from his hand. The smell coming from his hand made my whole body quiver. I don't know if it was because I wanted to drink ever last bit of blood that his body contained or that if I don't get out of here I might end up blowing my cover. Lost deep into my thought Jake stared to speak which broke my concentration.
"Yeah but it's just a little paper cut. Wait how'd you know".
"Jake I have to go".
I ran from the hall out the door in which I walked through this morning.
(Dame this was goanna be harder than I thought considering I almost killed Jake)
"Did I just here you call a human by his name"?
I jerked back to find a hot guy with a black shirt and jeans on sitting in the back seat of my car.
/////////??????to be continued? Please Vote????/////// //