The New Teacher

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"Please pick Jyushi up from kindergarten today! Mom and dad will be coming home late today."

Karamatsu closed his phone, sighing. Picking up his brother was the least thing he wanted to do in life. The screams and cries of children, the housewifes that likes to talk about other people, and especially the teachers who flirts with him. Yuck.

"Sorry guys," he said with a tone of despair, "Looks like i can't go join you play today. Gotta pick up my lil bro."

"Aw, that sucks! how about tomorrow?" one of his friends answers, Karamatsu stood up from his desk and takes his bag. "Probably."

He walks under the afternoon light, which felt pretty warm. He hums while he walks, kicking each stones he met in his way. As he reached his brother's school, he immediately saw his brother, playing with another child which seems quiet.

And what caught his eyes was, the teacher.

He was unexpectedly cute, unlike the usual teacher. Probably a new teacher? His laughs sounds blissful to Karamatsu's ears, and his smile was warm. As warm as the sunset's remaining of light on the now red sky.

"Ah, niisan!" Jyushi quickly runs toward Karamatsu as soon as he found his brother. Karamatsu was still stoned, staring at the new teacher.

The teacher walks to Karamatsu, giggling as Jyushimatsu was hugging Karamatsu's legs tightly.

"Karamatsu, was it?" the teacher smiled, "Jyushimatsu talks a lot about you."

"A-ah, yes. I'm Karamatsu." he stutters, face beet red. "N-nice to meet you." he bowed, making the teacher giggles even more.

"No need to be so polite!" he stops laughing, "I'm Todomatsu. The new teacher here."

"O-oh, i see." he nervously replies, scratching the back of his head.

"Niisan, come oon, let's go home! my favorite tv show is going to start soon!" Jyushimatsu begs, carelessly pulling Karamatsu's pants. Karamatsu brings Jyushimatsu up, and bids goodbye to the teacher.

"Goodbye, Ichimatsu-kun! I'll marry you!" Jyushimatsu yelled, cheerfully waving his hand to his friend.

The other child, quiet, only blushes and hides himself behind Todomatsu.


"...since when does he teaches you?"

Jyushimatsu looks up to his brother, who's staring blankly at the tv, still dazzled with the teacher.

"Since a week ago! he's pretty, right?" Jyushimatsu innocently replies, making Karamatsu blush.

"..yeah, he is.."


"What? You want to pick Jyushimatsu up today?"

Karamatsu's mother stare in awe, as her son nods with full spirit. "Yes! please?"

"Are you okay? You're usually hates picking Jyushimatsu up. Did you hit your head?" she jokes out, making Karamatsu grumbles in embarrassment.

"Niisan likes Todomatsu-sensei!" Jyushimatsu yelled innocently, but turning Karamatsu into a blushing mess.

His mom just chuckles loudly, Karamatsu getting redder and redder. "Oh my god! Is that true? You liked that new teacher?" she ruffles Karamatsu's hair, Karamatsu not saying anything.

"Well i'm not the one to judge, he is pretty cute~" his mom hums, his father who's drinking tea making choked sounds. Yeah, father was easy to get jealous.

"Mom, enough." Karamatsu averted his gaze, trying his best to look chill even tho his face is as red as a boiled crab.

"It's okay, i'll support whoever and whatever you love." she smiles, and then turns back to do her work. "Sure, can you maybe take him to Kindergarten this morning too? I'm a bit tired from last night's work.."

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