What A Pyscopath!

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I woke up because my phone.. Checking it, it was a text message from an unkown number.
A picture was sent to me, Looking at the photo.. makes me wanna scream. It made me toss my phone away from me.. The photo was of me, In bed.. I look around the room seeing from which angle they took this photo, The window was slightly open.. How could that be?! Mark and I never unlock our windows! We barely even touch'em! I slowly stand up, feeling weak in my knees...
God, Who would do such a thing as climbing a two story and taking a picture of a girl who is asleep! What fucking creep does that!!

I went throughout my day, Again. It was weird! Joan had called me up saying the same guy in a hood brought me roses! Walking back to my classroom, I sat the roses on my desk "Ooh, Mrs.Fischbach, Did Mark give those to you?" Most students teased, I nervously laughed along.. I mean... It wouldnt be right to tell them some random guy is stalking me!
"Heh.. Yeah, Thats for me to know"
I say quietly, I mean it wouldnt really matter would it?
Throughout the day was just a regular day I guess.. Teaching, Making calls, and grading..
Of course walking back to my car, A new note was sprawled on my drivers seat.. I sigh, unlocking the door.. I grab the note while sitting down.
'Did you not like my Roses? Are they not your favorite flowers? I'll get you your favorite ones next time, sorry my love.'
It made me really sick some random is doing this. Its, weird.. I mean. I feel the need to call the cops! This person is getting into my locked car! They know where I live! And they know where I work!

The drive home felt, long.. and quiet... I dont know why, All my thoughts kept flowing in, it really worried me.. What if this person hurts me? Or even Mark! What if they know where Ash lives? Would they hurt her?! God it worries me... Walking up to the front door, I could hear noises from the inside... I slowly reach for the knob.. Only to find it unlocked... My heart was racing! It felt like it was going to explode.. I slowly turn the door knob, quietly opening it as I go.. Should I call the cops? I mean that'd be the bright thing to do, but.. I am already inside! Should I run out and call?
"Oh! Y/n, Baby girl! You're home.. Sorry.. I didnt think you'd be home yet.. I uh.. Was planning this as a surprise.." Mark stood across the room in the kitchen arch-way, I exhale unknowingly. "Are you okay? Long day?.." he seemed worried for me.. I shook my head, The less he knows the safer he is maybe? "I-I am fine.. I was just startled.. I remembered locking the door this morning.." I jokingly say and laugh, He nods "Yeah.. Sorry, I know I was supposed to be home 2 days later. But you seemed in need.." "You arent missing out on anything are you? Please dont say, I am making you miss out.." I felt a bit guilty.. he left his friends to come back to me...
He shakes his head no, I slowly nod "Okay, Good.. I dont want your friends to hate me.." he laughs "I shown them pictures of you actually! They all really enjoyed you! Thought you were pretty and stuff.." he says smiling while looking at the floor.

I walk closer, I just felt the need to hug him. I mean, he flew out just to check on me.. What an angel...
I wrap my arms around his neck and lay my head on his chest, The beat of his heart was calming...
"I really missed your presence.. Have any fun while I was gone?"
I giggle "Well, By fun you mean.. work, and walking chica? Right? If so, yes I had so much of that fun" he chuckles, The vibration of him felt weird and sent shivers up my spine.. who knew, The man I'd be forced into marriage with.. could and would be able to do this.

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