Chapter 1-Finding her

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Hey guys. My fourth book. I really love doing TT fanfics. Anyways hope you like this.
DisclaimerI don't own the Teen Titans at all in this book.

It was an average day in Jump City. It was a perfect morning. Raven had woken up from her peaceful sleep and had gotten out of bed. She changed into a different uniform and went to the common room. Fortunately for Raven, no one was up so she had time to meditate.

No more than 20 seconds after she had sat down in to her meditation pose had the crime alarm gone off. She sighed and brushed off the invisible dust off her bare legs.

Robin rushed in to the common room with the others in pursuit. He checked the computer and said," It's Plasmus rampaging downtown. Titans Go!"

They set off downtown. When the got there Robin explained the plan,"Raven,Starfire you guys fly up above him and distract him while Cyborg throws a missile at him so he explodes. Beastboy and I are going to move the citizens to a safe area. Now Titans Go."

They set out for the plan. Starfire flew up and shot her green starbolts at Plasmus and it caught his attention. Raven chanted her mantra and her magic shot out at him. Cyborg shot his missiles at Plasmus but Plasmus moved and it hit a building. So concrete was falling and was about to hit a small girl with blond hair in pigtails.

The titans flew as fast as they could to save her but were to far. Then suddenly out of nowhere a GREEN cheetah ran in and took the little girl to safety. The cheetah set down the little girl and changed into a kangaroo. The kangaroo hopped to Plasmus and kicked it in stomach, the back and his face. The kangaroo again changed into bull and charged at Plasmus. It's horns went though his body and he exploded.

The titans were awestruck. The mysterious animal had the same abilities as Beastboy and was Green like Beastboy. The thing is that it wasn't Beastboy. The titans got closer to the creature and saw that it morphed in to a figure.

It was a girl.

She was a teenager. She had green skin and green hair that reach her mid back. She had emerald eye and a fang poking out her bottom lip just like Beastboy. Except she's a girl.

"Excuse me ma'am. Why do you look like friend Beastboy and how can you change into the animals like him.?" Starfire asked the mysterious girl.

"I'm Gabby. Beast boy's sister." She said

"You have a sister?" They all asked in unison

"What! I didn't even know I had a sister. I was an only child?!" Beastboy ranted.

"Well your not. It's a long story if your willing to listen?" She hushed. They went back to the tower so she could explain.

"Well it all started like this.....

Oh. Cliffhanger. Hope it's good. Please comment. I'll update soon.


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