Chapter 5- Test

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"I'm ready for the obstacle course." She told them.

They made their way to the obstacle course. When they got there they all wished Gabby luck and stepped aside for her to begin. Robots came out of no where and shot there laser beams.

She dodged the attack and morphed into a rhino. She used her horn to pierce it their stomach's. Five robots surrounded her and were moving closer to corner her. She changed into a gorilla and smashed their faces.

There were robot pieces everywhere. The titans came back in and congratulated her.

"Well done. Now for a final test. You have to face us in a battle. First up is Starfire." They nodded and began their fight.

Starfire threw starbolts at Gabby but she dodged it. She turned in to a kangaroo and hopped to Starfire. Starfire used her laser beams at shoot at her. Gabby kept dodging the beams until she got close to her. She used her kangaroo foot to kick Starfire in the stomach. It sent her flying to the other side of the room.

Gabby went up to Starfire and held out her hand to help her up. Starfire took it and gave Gabby a bone crushing hug."You have been successful in defeating me. You shall make a wonderful titan. Have the luck battling your next opponent. "Starfire congratulated her and left only to find her next opponent to be Cyborg.

The fight began with Gabby turning into a snake and slithered to him. He shot his sonic canon at her but she slithered passed them. She wrapped her self around him and squeezed the life out of him. He tried to break free and nearly did but she changed into a gorilla held him there.

She then decided to lift him up and body slam him over her head. She then threw him or the wall. She got close to him and helped him up. He took her hand and felt sparks flying through both of them. They stared into each others eyes until her next opponent walked up to her. She let go of Cyborgs hand and they both blushed madly.

"Good luck." He whispered to her and left. She watched him leave and was a bit disappointed that he couldn't stay longer. Her next opponent was Robin. He wanted her to do hand to hand combat instead of using her powers on him.

They began fighting. Robin ran and did a flying drop kick. She blocked it but stumbled back a bit. She tried to kick him in the stomach but he blocked her by grabbing her ankle and flipping her. She did a quick cartwheel to dodge the impacted of the flip.

She started punching him but he kept dodging each one. He finally got he upper hand when he kicked her in the stomach. She flew to the floor with a thud.

"So that's how we're gonna play. Fine. I won't go easy on you anymore." She stated competitively.

She ran to him and gave him a punch to the stomach. He stumbled back before standing up to see she was nowhere to be seen. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around to see Gabby. She grabbed his arm and with one swift move she flipped him. He fell on the floor with a thud and he let out a grunted of agony.

She smirked helping him up. He was shocked that someone beat him. Robin. The one batman mentored.

"Well done. Your actually pretty good. Your last opponent is Raven. You can't fight Beastboy because you have the same powers so you both equal." Robin explained.

"Bring her on." She said competitively

"She isn't gonna use her powers because if she can throw Beastboy out the window imagine what she'll do to you. So it's another hand to hand combat match." He added.

She nodded and they let Raven in. They smiled at each other before getting back to the matter at hand. Their fight. Raven took off her cloak and set it aside. They got into their fighting stance. They circled around for a bit before Gabby charged at Raven.

Raven simply stepped to the side and kneed her in the stomach. Gabby fell to her knees then she rotated her leg on the floor and tripped Raven. They quickly stood up at locked their hand trying to push each other on to the floor. Gabby got the upper hand and kicked Raven in the stomach.

Raven stumbled back but ran and sweep kicked Gabby in the face. She took Gabby's arm and flipped her. Raven put her foot on Gabby's chest.

"Ready to give up." Raven asked teasingly

"I'm sure BB's ready to give up for you." Gabby smirked.

"Wha -" Raven blushes confused.

Gabby took the advantage and used her legs to trip Raven. Gabby stood up and put her foot on Ravens chest.

"I won." Gabby teased

Raven just smiled. Gabby held out her hand and Raven took it.  Raven retrieved her cape and put it on.  They walked out the obstacle course and met up with the titans.

"So Robin. Am I in or what." Gabby asked.

The others were waiting in anticipation for Robins answer. He likes it when there was suspense.

"My answer to you is..." Robin began.

"Just say it already!" Beastboy and Raven said in unison. They looked at each other. Then blushed and looked away.

"Yes. You can stay." Robin finished.

"Yes. Welcome to the family." Raven welcomed. They embraced. Everyone was shock. Raven hugging someone. Beastboy got over the shock quickly and joined their embrace. Then Starfire,then Cyborg then lastly Robin. They were all group hugging.

"So since your apart of this family. Do you know what's gonna happen?" Raven asked her mischievously. The others confusion turned to evil grins.

"Yeah. Your gonna have to be.." Beastboy started

"Initiated." Raven finished.

"Crap." Gabby thought. She got an anime sweat.

"Let the initiation commence." Cyborg shouted.

So what did you think of this chapter. I'm so glad that Gabby's apart of the family. Comment and I'll update soon.


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