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Me and Louise sit in silence on the way to the party. To be honest, we were just too excited to say anything and if we did, the cab driver would think we are crazy or something. We get to the area and are bombared by viewers. Louise looks shocked and security are trying to drive us away. 

'I'm Louise Pentland! From Sprinkleofglitter' They look at us and look at the crowd. They scream enthusiastically.  Someone jumps over the barrier and hugs me and Louise. 

'I never got to see Marcus and Alfie, so I'm so happy you came Are you doing any signing?'


'No, I'm afraid not, maybe next time?' A posh man is standing next to us, his hair slicked back with gel, his outfit immaculate. The security are driving this poor girl away and I feel horrible. I didn't even get to know her name or even sign something or do anything. 

'You can go into the party but it is too late for signing. If you were going to come you should have said before' The posh man says shoving us in the direction of a door. I give a happy wave out to the fans and they scream. Louise blows kisses and kisses one of the fans closes to her. "I'm never washing this cheek" I hear her say. We smile and push open the door. At first I can't see anything but as my eyes adjust to the darkness I can see that they are mostly boys here and another girl with a boy. 

*Used the same thing from Alfie POV to make more romantic :P*

'Well well well I never thought I'd see Zoe19384738 here!' 

I glance over to see who said that and see it is my annoying but loving brother. I didn't know he was going but then again I haven't seen him for a while. 

'Oh haha very funny but my name is Zoella not Zoewhateveryouthinkitis' I say pushing him. I push him a bit too hard as he falls back into this other man. He drops his drink and it smashes on the floor spilling beer everywhere and it splashes up at my ankles. The other man almost drops his as well and laughs as this man comes over and yells at Joe for being clumsy. He notices me and sees I have splashes of it at my ankles.

'You even splashed this lovely girl!' With the statement I burst out laughing. Me and the other man are laughing so hard that I almost fall into the split beer. Joe mutters to himself and goes to get a broom or something to clean it up. I sidestep the beer and go up to the man I was laughing with. I turn around the Louise and she gives me a thumbs up and goes to get a drink. 

'Hey, that was pretty funny wasn't it?'



Luc x 

My Heart Stops -Zalfie Fanfiction Pt 1Where stories live. Discover now