chapter 1 meeting them

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Hello my lovely people who are reading this a quick note this story has different points of view so ill put in. ROSE POV or SOMEONE ELSE'S POV ok i hope u enjoy

Rose pov:
BEEP BEEP BEEP : I jumped up out of bed ready for a nother day of work. Witch i didn't mind at all because i loved my job. But one problem ........ BEEP BEEP BEEP " WOULD YOU SHUT IT ALARM " then i remember, im talking to a alarm clock. I go do my morning routine eat,get dressed, and set up for recording , i finished setting up and remember that my friend Ash from long ago was going to record with me he and bring three people with him . ' Im so excited to meet more people and crush them in prop hunt ' ( what she's called psycho girl for a reason )

Ash's pov
Im driving to the boys house to pick them up and go down to the studio to meet with Rose, to bad she is going to hide her identity to them but hey, maybe she'll show us one day but im lucky, to be one to only know here besides her family. " Evan! Come on not getting younger here" i yell at him as come from his porch. "Ok ok chill it man " Evan said. Even is one of my best friends he's a sweet guy i will admit but he get's shy sometimes around new people, instead winning an argument he try's to reason with them." I'll go in and get Shan and Ty" Evan said as he went to there door. Shan and Ty both are room mates Ty he kinda is a nut sometimes but not insanely he will laugh at almost anything, he like to party a bit but he know when he needs to stop he's also funny he loves to make everyone laugh. Shan he's one u dont want to get mad he's not bad like real bad but he dose rage alot, and when he get's in to fights with friends and he ends up going. Back to apologize. "Hey Ash " I heard Ty say "Hey" i say back "Ok let's get this show on the road" shan said "WOO, LET'S DO THIS " Ty yelled out "ok no need to yell Ty " Evan said "said the guy who would screem when he lost mario cart" Ty said smirking "YOU HAVE NO PROOF" Evan yelled and frowned " come on five minutes without fighting, I hope u to behave while were at Rose's " i said calmly "No promises " shan smirked at me.

Author note: sorry i forgot to. Put in what they looked like so here it is Ash: red hair, baby blue eyes,20 year old 5 foot 8 inch. Evan: black hair,dark brown eyes, 5 foot 7 inch Ty: dirty blonde,green eyes,20 years old 5 foot 8. Shane :light brown hair and eyes,21 years old 5 foot 9 inches. Rose : light natural pink hair , red eyes that can change to a light purple when she wants to 5 foot 7 inches.

Rose pov
Knock knock "COME IN! " I yelled, " The party is here!" Some man said excited "OI i told u tl behave your self" said Ash "heh,it's ok Ashton, really"I say while laughing " besides i love a good party " i said " anyway" these are the guy,Even ,Ty,and shan. "Hi." Evan said shyly "Hey!" Ty said excited "sup" Shan said calmly. "Hey guy i have your guys set up right there so get ready to be crush in prop hunt" I say with an evil laugh. "U WANNA GO MATE" Shan yelled in a competitive way "YEAH BRING IT " I yelled back "oh boi here we go " Ash said


R:Rose E:Evan T:Ty S:shane A :Ash. pov
R pov: "Hello my lovely psychotic people who learned to live with me and i thank u TODAY! Is no ordinary game I. am here with... Evan " "Hello" Evan said "and with TY!" "Yeah! Woo let's do this " he said while getting ready . " And the one the only SHANE! " "Thank you your too kind " " Your still going down" i said laughing like a mad man " Oh and im here with Ash i guess " " wha.. HEY "everyone laughed "Im just kidding bro. " i said while laughing "GET OWNED" Evan yelled "Any way guys Evan would u please start. The game btw teams are me, Ty , Evan Vs Ash and Shane "

Time skip to right before the game ends

S pov: ' hehe she'll never find me here ' I think to myself ' i will admit she is really fun to hang out with she so competitive but she doesn't take it so seriously but she still has rage and i bet she is so pretty under the mask .... wait WHAT AM I SAYING ... am i in love ...' im in thought and then "SHANE I FOUND U " I see Ty shooting at me and i ran . "U will nev-" i was saying then cut off by a BOOM " Ha i told u i would crush u but gg Shan " i start to blush i released that i do like her

Sorry this is sort other parts or coming to when others start to relies that they like her too so just sit tight and comment if u liked it or what i should add in thank u and good bye .💋♡

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