Chapter 8 an old friend, or more?

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Rose pov :
I was done recording a video with Ty and Evan and i disided to look at the messages.
To my surprise it was my old friend Noah N: guess who's back in town?! R:NO, really
Omg this is the best, so were are u staying¿? "

Knock knock knock

" No way NOAH!" " HEY Rose ! It's so good to see you, oh and i wanted to surprise you
So is it ok that i stay for a while ?" " Of course you can ! How could i say no to you."
" Well can't argue with that. " " Same old Noah huh?" "Yes but you know you love me!"
We both started laughing i showed him were he would sleep and we talked for what seemed
Like years but really only an hour. " Hey Noah i herd that you can cook? " " who told you."
" did you forget that your sister still lives here ?" " well she always was a blaber mouth! "
" Come on MAKE FOOD! Please! " "Well i can't say no to you ether heh ." " well i am your
Best friend so no you can't say no~." I showed Noah to the kitchen and told him to cook
whatever he wanted to cook so he wanted to make spaghetti and was going to make his
Own tomatoe sous.

Time skip :
"Dinner is ready Rose! " " coming Noah !" So after catching up with each other and eating dinner
Noah and i wanted to watch a movie called spy I've never seen it or even heard of it for that matter
"So ready to start the movie Ro?" "That nickname really? " " well you called me coco for five years!"
" not my fault you look like you coco with your dark brow hair and eyes and skin ! You look like coco"
"Ok fine you don't call me coco i won't call you Ro ok?" "Ok ." We sit down and start to watch the movie
i put my head on Noah's shoulder we did this all this time before he moved away to Washington we grew
up together were were in pre-k together and lived across from each other. " Hey Rose." " Yeah? " "Guess
What." " what ?" " Im moving back to Seattle! " "Ahhhh ! No way im so happy! " " yep and i bought the
House right next to you im moving all my stuff tomorrow! " " Im so excited to be back with my bestie! "
" yep, so hey do you wanna maybe go on a i don't know, maybe a date ?" "Yes, that sounds like a blast! "
"Yes!" I herd him wisper to himself I just chuckle at him. Then we get back to the movie

Time skip After the movie :
" im going to head to bed Rose ." I get up and kiss him on the forehead. " Night coco! "
I ran to my room and lock it so i don't get killed be him . "Night. ........ Ro!"

Noah pov:
She's lucky i love her . And now i have to find out what to do with those guy. She tells me
every thing so i know about them and there 'date '. But they made a mistake by not asking
Her to be there's. I've known her way longer than them so i thnk i have a better chance.
I walk to my bedroom and go to sleep .

Hello~ oooo new a new person! I know it's not really a love triangle but i like the name so im keeping it! Thank you and good bye 💋 😽

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